Every once in a while you have to start a new collection!
Drinking my coffee out of this one this morning.
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Every once in a while you have to start a new collection!
Drinking my coffee out of this one this morning.
When friends park their house in your driveway.
What's something nice your feeling this week?
Cool stamps and friends who get it.
I discovered these Envy Apples last week at Deans Market and they are amazing and delicious! I wish they were grown in the US.
The other day I ran out of the rice milk I made (more on that later). Instead of running to the store, I simply made a new batch of oat milk. It took 10 minutes and felt great be self sufficient!
For this batch, I used 1/2 cup oats and 1 1/2 cups water. I didn't let them soak, just blended them immediately. It came out much better, creamy but not gummy!
A few weeks ago, we arrived home to not one, but two(!) fun letters in the mail box. These were a semi expected letter from my BFF about how his continued adventures on the left coast are going, and a totally unexpected small gift from BK!
I might not have my own food growing garden yet, but I am able to partake of my neighbor's crops while they are away!
Little treasures from far away places.
When your neighbor brings you home grown spinach and homemade jam early in the morning!