For Memorial Day Sunday, we trekked out to Storm King Arts Center to see some modern sculpture.
We took some winding backroads and ended up at the overlook on Bear Mountain.
The weather was pretty perfect, but we were in a lazy mood and only saw a fraction of what is there. We mostly stuck to our favorites.
Several Serra slabs were imbedded in the hillsides.
We are always lucky to find our favorite artists.
The last time I had been to Storm King was when Andy Goldsworthy was just starting his winding stone wall. I was fairly shocked to see it had be completed in 1998.
Goldswothry's wall starts our straight and conventional, but ends up winding around trees, dipping down into a lake and snaking up and down hillsides.
Walking barefoot in the sun was an added bonus. But we visited some indoor exhibits, too. The main being a look at Zhang Huan, who has a large outside piece as well.
Huan creates sculpture using ash from Buddhist temples. But I was more drawn to these jars containing ash and remnants of the incense fires. Reminds me of our house; full of jars.
I greatly enjoyed this marble piece that sat on the floor of the gallery, but didn't catch the artist's name: