Wardrobe Project: Some Little Things

At the beginning of 2015 I started what I'm calling my Wardrobe Project. My closets were full to the point of overflowing, but I could never find anything to wear. I started reading about minimalist wardrobes and decided it was time for a change. I'm not sure I'm aiming for a minimalist wardrobe, but I am aiming for less clothes in general, and I want those to be clothes I love and clothes that fit me well. 

Right away I could tell that this project would take some time. You can read about my first steps in this post. I don't feel rushed or stressed to finish this project, bc even when I get my closet manageable, which I know will take a long time, I still see this as an ongoing task. Maybe it never will be finished.  But everyday I try to chip away a little. 

Some little things I try to work on every day when I get dressed are the little things:

Warm winter socks to get packed away. Including the cat hair. 

Warm winter socks to get packed away. Including the cat hair. 

I never have enough pairs of socks, do you? But for now they are one of the little ways I'm pairing down my wardrobe. I used to save socks with holes in them or that were worn down and threadbare bc I didn't want to mismatch a pair. Here's what lessons I've learned so far:
Throw away your holey socks! I've come to embrace mismatched socks bc I can wear them under boots, or as a second pair in the Winter.
When wearing mismatched socks, pair the ones that make sense. Like colors, weights and textures work best. 
Don't save the sock with the hole in the heel bc you might use it in a craft project! You won't.
Never return a holey sock to your sock drawer. When you find the unfortunate mate, throw it away immediately!  
Pair the remaining sock with it's mismatched friend ASAP. 
These few little steps have greatly reduced my lame sock stock and made it easier for me to find socks to wear each day. Socks are one of the few items I thought I would have to buy this year but so far, I haven't bought a single pair!

Again, this may seem like a silly not-need-to-be-said thing, but I'm getting rid of undergarments that don't fit, don't feel good, have holes or old elastic, or I just don't like. If, when getting dressed, I find something like that, I get rid of it right away!
No more underwires. This is a decision I have come to. I hate them, they are not comfortable and really don't do that much for me, looks wise. Thankfully, I have this luxury.  Only soft and comfy boulder holders from now on. 
These items are also on my May Have to Buy list. But it hasn't happened yet.  

All types of knickers. 

All types of knickers. 

Bags, Belts, Hats, Scarves, etc...
So, I haven't actually tackled any of these things since starting the Wardrobe Project. But I plan to!  Through the years, I've already tried to pair these items down.
I only have a few purses that I've kept around, but it's time to go thru those again and make some cuts. I'm guilty of having a lot of tote bags, but I'm gonna go thru these bc I know some have holes, rips, are too dirty to be saved, etc... I plan to save some totes for "wearing" bags, and designate the rest "working" bags. With working bags, I plan to only keep those that are useful and needed. 
I think I have about 5 belts. All fabric and all comfy. But I don't need 5 out at a time. Next time I go thru my clothes to store for the season (it's coming up!), I plan to put some of these away. 
Hats are something that I need for work, but that I mostly don't enjoy wearing (with the exception of a good Winter knit). I plan to get rid of any that are lingering that I don't wear, pack away all the Winter ones, and find a place to store the few I need for work. A good new Winter hat is on my Need to Buy for next year, tho... Something to look forward to.  
I do love scarves. But here, too, I realize I only need a few each season. All Winter wear is getting put away and I'll also pack some favorites up for another time. 
Same goes for mittens, gloves, and other odds and ends. 

These ideas might seem like no-brainers to most, but they have really helped me both in practice and in mindset! When paring down my clothing,  I find every little bit helps.