For such a short month, February sure was busy!
We had some visitors, some celebrations, saw family, worked, but also put some things on hold. A fairly typical month, with ups and downs.
1) Elvis. 2) the Fab Four. 3) Tom. 4). Elvis again.
We had several guests, but one notable one came to stay for a long while. Elvis will be with us for several months, and he's causing quite a stir among our cat family. He's a great guest though, and we adore him!
1) snowy back view. 2) Cloudy train view. 3) Sunny beach view. 4) Blizzard rose view.
This month the weather was better than usual for February. But much like all of the Februarys I've experienced, it was mostly consumed by wishing the weather was better.
1) New tattoo! 2) New block. 3) Juice and work. 4) a faux watercolor.
Many new projects were started in Feb, which was very invigorating (more on all that, soon). Quilting was a prominent feature of the month, which it should be. My MadCatBOM went into it's second month. I hope to keep it up all year.
Even though some great things were started or continued, some things were postponed. We put our annual anniversary trip on hold. But hopefully that will be rescheduled soon.
1) Pick a winner. 2) Get a prize. 3) An auspicious address. 4) An attentive #watherdog.
We had a book giveaway at the end of the month. I got some reading in for the month, which will be posted soon! I'm finding giveaways to be interesting and fun!
We got to see family several times this month, we may have even started a game night tradition! Our first (or second if you count my family's obsession with 500 rummy) game selection was Machi Kori. It was quite fun!
1) Wake up! 2) Eat up! 3) Bun up! 4) Bundle up!
February was a bit more hectic, a bit more stressful, but on the whole, there were more ups than downs. March, you're supposed to come in like a lion....I'll be interested if you'll be friendly or fierce.