Mad Cat Capsule: Recent Additions and New Count

I have done a pretty good job all year of not buying any new clothes. I have bought some things second hand and we recently had a clothing swap at work, so I have picked up a few new to me items! 

I have never done a clothing swap before and it was so fun! It was a really great way to get rid of a ton of stuff but not throw it away or waste it. I tried to be careful not to obtain too many new items, but found a couple that I love!! And I never knew that seeing your friends wear clothes that you once loved, but no longer use, is such a fun and uplifting feeling!! 

So, since my last post, my Fall Capsule had changed a little. Here are a few of the items that I've added, and love, or had to let go of and a new count for fall:


Several of the button downs I selected for Fall either didn't get worn, or, in the case of one of my favorites, got a stain. I'm trying to figure out a way to salvage that one, but in the mean time I added 2 new tops: my red and blue top that I had left at an establishment about an hour away and took me 3 months to retrieve, and a new (to me) purple top that I got from a rummage sale. 


From the clothing swap, I got two tops I love; one cropped moon top. totally a new thing for me, but I love it!! And a 3/4 sleeve cream top with elbow patches. I wear both of these a ton. 


Two of my favorite pairs of jeans also bit the dust this season. My grey dot jeans got a terrible oil stain, and my snake print DK jeans developed some pulls and lost a lot of their shape. I took these out of my capsule (but kept them for "play clothes" or to wear around the house). But I found an awesome pair of black jeans second hand, which I had been looking for! I also picked up a pair of gab jeans at a rummage sale. They are worn and have a sizable hole at the moment, so IO plan to do some visible mending and add them to this capsule. 

Other additions include adding a "fancy" button down (from my clothing stock at home) bc I needed something to wear to a more formal event and I might as well keep it in my capsule. And although I don't count outerwear in my capsule, it's worth mentioning that I had to buy a red hat for my halloween costume and decided that if I had to buy it I should wear it as much as possible. 

I loved participating in the clothing swap and getting a few items here and there at rummage sales and thrift shops. I hope that we have another swap soon! But I'm also glad that my capsule has stayed pretty close to it's original number and I have only 38 items in this season. I'm also glad that  25 of the items fit into the slow clothing model. 

Have you readers ever done a clothing swap? How did it make you feel?