September is local's Summer here and we tried to make the most of it! We were camping, and trapsing around the pine barrens in the beginning of the month. We made the most of vacation and hung out at the beach. We continued our plant obsession and brought home more houseplants.
An insect eating pitcher plant in the wild!
Brendan T Byrne State Park, NJ.
Huge fungus near our campsite!
So purple!
Very large shelf fungus.
A wild watcher on Long Beach Island, NJ.
No clue what these beachy berries are.
Repotting new house plants, going thru old pots in the back yard.
I found out these little moths are called Skippers!
This wasp had blue wings. Anyone know what it is?
Our roses did not do well this year, but they are hanging on for dear life.
What are plants doing in September where you live?