December tends to be a tough month for plant observations, and this one was the same. It’s cold, Winter has set in, it’s a busy month, and this year we were sick for a big chunk of the month. There were still some good plants this month. December was a month of critters! Perhaps this we should be calling these posts Plant and Animal Observations?
On a warm day, Tom checks out if there’s any catnip left.
Our garden, waiting for spring.
The pines are happy in the yard.
The vines are happy in the kitchen.
December was cold, but there were enough warm days to go to the beach.
Can you spot the cardinal and blue jay?
Some stray kitties getting special attention.
A night visitor.
A happy sidewalk.
Very festive front yard.
Also festive.
We don’t get an xmas tree anymore, which overall we are happy about. But there is something nice about having an ever green in the house during the darkest days and winter months. I’m always happy to visit family who continue this tradition.
It’s been a great year of plant observations. I love to go back thru and see what was happening in each month. In the coming year, I hope there are many garden posts, many houseplants observations, and lots of getting outside into nature!
What were your favorite plant moments of 2018?