We've been having such a mild Summer, but in July we've seen some very hot days so far. The plants liked it and it was a great month for plant observations. Flowers were prominent but the real stars of July were all the critters!
Our local garden center is a favorite spot to visit for Summer blooms.
I love clematis! So pretty!
Squirrel butt!
Can anyone tell me what kind of caterpillar this is?
This bee is doing all the good work in our garden!
June bug.
Tomato horn worm.
Police station bunny.
Serious tenant #watchercat.
Our morning glories are finally blooming!
Love these day lilies that were here before we moved in.
Our garden, mid July. I will be posting a garden tour, soon! See it in late July in my last post.
What does every else July plants look like?