February in Review

February is always a packed month, but this year it was especially so. We had many celebrations, much work, much fun, visiting and exploration.

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The very beginning of the month started in Cape May, NJ, for our 6th anniversary. My birthday is also in this month and we spent that at he beach, as well. At the end of February, we took a very special family trip to New Orleans, LA. I also went on a quick jaunt to Ardmore, PA.

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It was super cold this month, with a few weird warm days sprinkled in to keep us on our toes. But #watchercats were out and about in Feb, taking in the sun when possible.

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We tried a few new restaurants, and explored NJ a bit this in February. But we also got to visit old haunts in New Orleans! It was a treat to share some of our favorite spots with family!

February is always kinda of blur, being the shortest and coldest month here. There is the faintest whiff of spring in the air, but I have a feeling March will be another long wintery month. Let’s see!