July finally seemed like a month I could sink my teeth into. It was a full month, lots of work, some beach time, some exploring, long walks, a show, a little bit of travel, fireworks!
My husband took two trips in July, and while I mostly said home and hid in the one AC’d room we have, I was also able to spot some #watchercats near home and abroad.
Summer means smoothie bowls, ice cream and watermelon! With those treats also came heat waves. and thunder storms.
We tried to stay close to home a good deal, and took many walks in July. We met kittens and saw old friends. We met new old friends, too (I’m still contemplating my meeting with @mermaidtrousers). We helped celebrate friends (@mobilehearth, @sentimentalhogwash) and family (happy birthday @g_d_johnson!).
The garden finally blew up in July (more on that in the garden update) and we were so happy to enjoy some home grown meals, welcome monarchs and other pollinators, and take nightly strolls around the yard to see what changed for a sunny day.
July historically isn’t the best month for blogging or creative work and while it’s true we didn’t get much done in that respect, it still feels like a banner month. July was full, healthy and vibrant. August will you turn it up a notch?