The Sound of Waves

One of my goals in 2021 is to read more. See other books I've read or listened to here.

The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima is a Japanese modern classic romance. Not the kind of book I usually read.


A young man on a fishing island had simple goals, be a better fishermen, support his mother and brother, and perhaps find himself a wife. He dreams of a simple and happy life. When a mysterious young woman returns to the island, he wonders how she factors into his plans.

I read this quiet Japanese modern classic that was written in the 1950s for the Liguathon on Booktube. Linguathon was a readathon all for translated works. I picked this book bc I had it on my TBR. I know that this book came from my basement box books, but I don’t know where I originally found it. I also didn’t realize that Mishima is a modern classic author of Japan. I was also surprised that this book was at it’s heart a romance. I really enjoyed it and loved that the story was very entwined in nature and the character of the island. Although this is very traditional for Japanese writing but I was still pretty enthralled by the way that it is woven into the story. This romance had love, lust, nudity, adventure, and suspense! I love modern classics but have only read a handful of this type of book from other countries and cultures. I’m excited to read more Mishima and see what his other novels are like. I would highly recommend this book if you like classic romances, modern classics and want to try some from other counties, are looking to break into translated or Japanese writing.

Have you read The Sound of Waves? Can you recommend other romances from countries besides America?

This book can be seen in my April Wrap Up.

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