December in Review

Another year’s end! December was a busy month; holidays and seeing loved ones, unexpected illnesses, supporting friends, staying cozy and working hard.

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The beginning of the month saw the only snow of late 2019 so we stayed inside and hunkered down.

But not for long. A trip to warmer climes was made shortly into the month. Visit friend and helping them was a theme this month.

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The rest of the month was more mild and #watchercats and #myfavoritetrucksofasburypark were out and about, as were we. We tried to walk and explore near home a little in Dec. New spots were found.

We worked a lot, dreamed some dreams and tried to set ourselves up for the new year, new decade, ahead. Kick starting creativity was a priority.

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It’s hard to believe travel took me half way across the country this month, but that’s the thing about a year, you never can tell. What does January and 2020 have in store?

June in Review

Looking back, June seemed so long! I feel like I barely remember all that happened in June.

We went on garden tours, saw family and friends, I took a trip to Brooklyn, we tried to stay dry in all the wet weather. We saw #watchercats and #favoritetrucks, we swam in the ocean, and walked around town.

1) A snippet of Brooklyn, 2) a sparkle of sky, 3) a style of driving, 4) a skyline to spy.

1) A snippet of Brooklyn, 2) a sparkle of sky, 3) a style of driving, 4) a skyline to spy.

It was a great month for visiting and visitor, new and frequent. Brooklyn was like a time capsule, and seeing family was like coming home. We had guests from BK, FL, OR and NJ.

1) a duo of brothers, 2) one eye to lend, 3) relaxed on the porch, 4) a black and white friend.

1) a duo of brothers, 2) one eye to lend, 3) relaxed on the porch, 4) a black and white friend.

When they weren’t hiding from the rain, watcher cats were plentiful and often draped out beating the heat.

The garden went from meager beginnings, to full swing. Flowers were everywhere!

1) A master of color, 2) some cozy light beams, 3) ready for take off, 4) bursting at seams.

1) A master of color, 2) some cozy light beams, 3) ready for take off, 4) bursting at seams.

We tried to focus on the plants, our plans, the cats, and our home in June. We walked, we swam, we rejoiced in the rain and sun.

June was a long transition into Summer. July, what will you bring?