February Plant Update

February was a great month for plant observations!! We saw a lot of things, we traveled, we revisited our sacred spaces.

A snowy morning in Cape May, NJ.

A snowy morning in Cape May, NJ.

A foggy morning in Asbury Park, NJ.

A foggy morning in Asbury Park, NJ.

Two of my favorite pine trees.

Two of my favorite pine trees.

A pink morning.

A pink morning.

This plant scares my husband, but look at it’s beautiful blooms!!

This plant scares my husband, but look at it’s beautiful blooms!!

Lovely colors, oxalis never disappoints.

Lovely colors, oxalis never disappoints.

One of the only snowy days so far…

One of the only snowy days so far…

…it looked like it might be a crazy snow day, but it melted quickly.

…it looked like it might be a crazy snow day, but it melted quickly.

And then there was New Orleans.

And then there was New Orleans.

I will never get over Spanish moss.

I will never get over Spanish moss.

I also learned about resurrection moss which grows in NOLA all year, sometimes dying back and they spontaneously growing right back.

I also learned about resurrection moss which grows in NOLA all year, sometimes dying back and they spontaneously growing right back.

It was really great and very odd to visit somewhere were flowers were blooming in Feb.

It was really great and very odd to visit somewhere were flowers were blooming in Feb.

Seeing bees already hard at work was a wonderful sight.

Seeing bees already hard at work was a wonderful sight.

Going somewhere warm with flowers blooming was a great pick me up. Winter is the hardest time for me and seeing some green plants and bright flowers was an awesome inspiration for me. Spring really is right around the corner!

I’m excited to see March’s plants! What was February like where you live or travel?

January Plant Update

I feel like I spent most of January in doors. I did have some plant observations but this was a slow month for it.
What months are you less inclined to get out and observe?

Bathroom Pothos

Bathroom Pothos

First snow of the year.

First snow of the year.

A visitor and some indoor plants.

A visitor and some indoor plants.

This local magnolia is always fuzzy.

This local magnolia is always fuzzy.

Who knows what February will bring for plants?

What did January look like where you live?