Mad Cat Capsule: Thinking About Shoes in My Capsule

While thinking about my next Mad Cat Capsule Wardrobe, which will be for Winter (Jan- Mar), I decided that one area of my wardrobe that makes me feel lost/overwhelmed/cluttered is my shoes. So I decided to really take a look at all my shoes, pare down, and think about adding what I was left with to my upcoming capsule. 

I have a lot of shoes that I have barely looked at since we moved, three years ago! Turns out our basement gets a little mildewy and I have not wanted to delve in and go thru (plus clean) my shoes but when I started feeling overwhelmed by my shoes, I knew I needed to. 


I started by going thru all the shoes I had upstairs first, which were plenty. They are also the shoes that I wear more often and love well. These are mostly sneakers, some boots, and my flip flops which I live in in the warm months. While going thru, I made a list of all the shoes I found in my Bullet Journal. Next I moved on to the shoes in the basement. One of my goals was to pare down enough to only have one box of shoes downstairs. Since I started out with two boxes of storage, this felt like a really good, if a little challenging, goal. 


At the end of the day, I had a small give away/throw away pile, a very small maybe pile, one box of storage, and a lot of shoes that I wear and can go in my capsules. Most of the shoes in my storage box are formal wear, sentimental, or super summer shoes. Those are going back to the basement. I also know that I have a few pairs of shoes floating around that I didn't capture in this declutter. I'll have to find those and determine if they are keepers. 

The next step will be to further pare down the shoes that I do wear, and break them into capsules. Right now, I'm thinking that I will try to incorporate my shoes into my Winter Capsule. I am trepidatious about this bc I'm sure this will up my overall capsule count. Even though my capsule is not about a set number, one of my goals is to reduce the amount of clothing I have and keep a smaller over all wardrobe. My end list ended up being about 40 pairs of shoes. Even though that includes shoes that I keep for sentimental value, that seems like an absurd amount. 


Do any reader keeping a capsule wardrobe include shoes? How many shoes do you own, whether you keep a capsule or not?

November Plant Update

November has become decidedly cold. Trees changed colors and shed their leaves, we've had the first frost and more. Almost all our inside plants are happy, a few still need extra dirt. We acquired some plants from my grandma, mostly xmas cactus that bloomed almost immediately. 

We rarely have cut flowers in the house. 

We rarely have cut flowers in the house. 

A view to the back yard, behind the screen door. 

A view to the back yard, behind the screen door. 

Our blueberry bushes, planted. 

Our blueberry bushes, planted. 

This lovely beet. 

This lovely beet. 

A walk around Sunset Lake. 

A walk around Sunset Lake. 

Down in Bayhead. 

Down in Bayhead. 

Bittersweet berries. I had never seen these before!

Bittersweet berries. I had never seen these before!

I wish we had got out more, to hike or explore, as the weather turned. Hopefully December we will get do make more pointed plant observations. 

What were your November plant sightings?

Zero Waste: What We Already Do

In 2017 I started my zero waste journey. Zero Waste is the goal, mindful practice is the action. When I use the term Zero Waste, that is my ultimate goal, but Less Waste would be a more  accurate description of my evolving lifestyle. 


It seems that most people think that the biggest roadblock for becoming Zero Waste is money. But so far, the biggest problem I've come across is the overwhelming nature of how many things are wasteful and how much of a huge life changing endeavor going zero waste will be. 

Once I started examining Zero Waste and really looking onto the waste in my day to day life, I realized that there was even more than I had thought. When I looked around at all the potential solutions, that was also daunting. For a while Zero Waste seemed unachievable, impossible. But I still felt like it was something I needed to work towards. 


The more I read other's accounts and the more I researched, the more I realized that Zero Waste is the goal, but the journey is one of many many baby steps. Not just for me, but for everyone trying to achieve Zero Waste. Once I realized this, I stopped sweating every little thing and began recognizing that mindfulness is the first step. I also realized that there are things that I already do that help me on the journey to Zero Waste. Here's a working list of things we already do:

Eat mainly a plant based diet - My husband has been a vegetarian (mostly) since I've known him. I've eaten veggie for about 5 years bc I don't feel well when I eat meat. We both do eat fish now but not eating big industry meat is a great step for ZW. 
Next step: Eat only locally farmed fish, eggs and cheese. 

Eat fresh as much as possible / eat out rarely - We try to eat mostly fresh veggies and whole foods although we do have a weakness for frozen pizzas. We patron the local markets as much as possible for fruit and veg. Most days we cook at home or have simple meals of veggies, cheese, bread, etc... I have been making an effort to pack lunches for my husband most work days. We love to eat out but on average only do so once a week. We want to support our local businesses and restaurants. 
Next Step: More of the same. Try to cut out our bad habit foods, items packaged in plastic or tetrapacts, and continue to source local foods.

Avoid Western Medicine (and other Western Wellness Ideas) - We have never been people who rush to the doctor when we have a sniffle. We ride it out, use home remedies, or homeopathic remedies. We drink more water, get rest, drink tea, eat better bc we know that those things will help heal our bodies. Similarly, we have never adhered to Western ideals of wellness, such as massages, hair salons, spa treatments, etc... I got my hair "done" a few months before starting to go zero waste, before that I hadn't got a hair cut in 4 years (I had just cut it myself). It was a fine experience and I was happy with the result - but what a waste! The plastics! The chemicals! Luckily, we are fine living without most things like that.  
Next Steps: Learn more about healing/traditional medicines, home remedies, etc... Find wellness businesses committed to reducing waste. Trade skills with people. I know a few hairdressers I can call on and explain my want for a zero waste haircut!

Recycle/compost- When I started my ZW Journey, I knew right away that recycling didn't feel right and one day I hope to cut it out as much as possible. But for a beginner recycling does help ease the worry and the trash we create. When we moved to NJ, we started composting almost immediately. We have a lot of plants and have been wanting to garden more, so composting is a great way to reduce food and paper waste. I would say that we have become more mindful of both these methods for reducing waste since starting our journey. 
Next Step: Continue to cut down on buying items that need to be recycled. Become better at only buying what food that we will eat to reduce food waste. Use the compost we have created in our plants and gardens.

Reuse glass jars and other containers for storage - I was delighted when I realized reusing and storing items in recycled glass jars was a favorite technique among zero wasters! I had been doing this for years! 
Next Step: Use our jars in bulk sections, buy only what we need at the time, cut down on what we buy in jars as to not have to recycle those we don't use. 

Homemade natural cleaners - When we moved to NJ, one of my early pledges was to use all natural cleaners in our new home. We had some cleaners left over that we are still using up, but otherwise we have worked to use all natural + homemade cleaners.
Next Step: Use up the old cleaners we have and dispose of their packaging safely, find recipes that work for us for tougher jobs (drain clogs, tough stains, etc...).

Buy second hand - We have always like to thrift shop, but we have moved towards buying everything second hand: furniture, cookware, clothing, records, toys etc... 
Next Step: Use up what we have, donate more, buy from sustainable companies when not buying second hand.

Shop local - After living in Brooklyn, NY, for 15 years, shopping local is just second nature. We try to get everything we need as local as possible. We also try to buy products produced locally when we can. This isn't to say we never shop at chains (I love my Shoprite!) or big box stores (sometimes Home Depot has what you need) but we try not to. 
Next Step: I try, when I see us returning to a big box store, to reserach where else we can get that item or experience. A good next step is to continue to diminish our want/need for those stores by finding items elsewhere. 

Use public transportation/walk - Again, having lived without a car for many years, it's second nature to try and utilize public transportation. About 7 years ago I started walking to work and made finding a job where I could do that a priority. Walking to work is my favorite part of every work day!! We specifically moved to a town where my husband could still use public transportation to get to work. He takes a train most of the way and walks the rest.  
Next Step: Find even more ways to stay local, use our car less, or upgrade to a more eco friendly car in the future. 


These are the main things we were already doing that adhere to the zero waste lifestyle. But when I start to think about it, I can think of other things, too. I found this exercise really helpful and I plan to make more lists like this in the future.   

All the photos in this post are from our local beaches. We were out for only about an hour and saw all this trash plus much more washed up on the otherwise empty and pristine landscape. Most of the items of trash could have easily been eliminated by choosing very simple sustainable options. My husband and I were understandably sad about what we saw, but it helped encourage us that we are on the right path, as slow going and tough as that path might appear. 

I highly recommend anyone thinking about going zero waste/plastic free/fair wardrobe, etc... to make a list of the things they already do towards this goal. It helped me feel less overwhelmed and let me see that each step is worth it. 

Jersey Collective Collection + Year 3 Photo Show

In June 2015, I was thrilled to be part of an interesting community art project: Jersey Collective. Each week, a different artist takes over the Jersey Collective feed on instagram and gives everyone a glimpse of their New Jersey. In December 2016, I participated again! For me, it was a very different experience to try and show my NJ now that I lived there again. If I did this project again, now, I wonder how it will have changed for me?

I'm thinking about Jersey Collective today bc it marks the opening of their Third Year Show! Each year they have had a gallery show featuring one photo from each artist and week of the year long project. 52 artists, 52 photos. Each year the show is held in a different gallery or community space, and open to the public. Here is the info for this year's opening:
Opening reception with the artists:
Saturday, November 4, 2017
7:00-10:00 pm
South Amboy YMCA
200 John T. O'Leary Blvd
South Amboy, NJ 08879

I'm not sure how long the show runs, but I highly suggest that if you are in NJ or close, you check out both the instagram and the show. I'm also not sure which photo from my week in December of 2016 is featured. Here are my images from 2016:

@art_poca is the next New Jerseyian to shoot for JC after me in Dec 2016. 

@art_poca is the next New Jerseyian to shoot for JC after me in Dec 2016. 

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And 2015:

The top left image is the next participant's.  The bottom right, the rooster, was the image that was chosen for that year's show. 

The top left image is the next participant's.  The bottom right, the rooster, was the image that was chosen for that year's show. 

Screen Shot 2017-09-17 at 10.31.33 AM.png

If you are from NJ I hope that you will reach out to Jersey Collective and shoot a week! For me, it was a really lovely process and it would be lovely to hear what readers of my blog think. 

For those not from NJ, do you have community projects in your area? Have you participated?

October in Review

My goodness, the year is almost at a close! After October's quick turn to true fall, Winter is right on it's heels. October was a lovely month, a true switch from the bustling nature of Summer into the settling in of Autumn calm. 

1) Sulfer. 2) Cacti. 3) Supermarket Tree. 4) Quartz.

1) Sulfer. 2) Cacti. 3) Supermarket Tree. 4) Quartz.

We were able to take a few trips, see old familiar places, and new locales. Some we will return to, some perhaps not. 

Cats were a priority, both our own and the watchers that were out in droves!

1) Tom contemplating. 2) Flounder flat out. 3) A night time visitor. 4) Tom out like a light. 

1) Tom contemplating. 2) Flounder flat out. 3) A night time visitor. 4) Tom out like a light. 

1) Car watcher, 2) Playful kittens, 3) On the fence, 3) Out to sea.

1) Car watcher, 2) Playful kittens, 3) On the fence, 3) Out to sea.

It was a busy work month, but very little quilting got done.

I was able to see some new spots in the neighborhood. 

1) Asbury Park Distillery. 2) Bright yellow in Keyport. 3) A perfect building in Far Hills. 4) Holidays at work. 

1) Asbury Park Distillery. 2) Bright yellow in Keyport. 3) A perfect building in Far Hills. 4) Holidays at work. 

These past few months have been really hard. Adjusting to a new schedule, working towards zero waste, trying, as always to be better for my family and friends, has been very difficult. Sometimes I worry that the end results will never arrive, or will not be worth it. But I try to keep my way on the path and remember that I have end goals that I am moving towards that I truly believe in. 

So, October was one step close to the end of the year, and November will be another, moving ever forwards towards in life.

October Plant Update

It's been a warm and wonderful October, only towards the end turning chilly. There has been a lot of plants to observe outside, and to tend to inside. Getting near the first frost means we are adding dirt, and sprucing up our plants in doors, and moving them around to make room for our inside plants that have been hanging out outside all Summer.  I also got to visit Deep Cut Gardens for the first time in many years and ogle their succulents. Then rushed out to pick up a few new ones for our home!

Repotting, and maintaining out indoor plants for Winter. 

Repotting, and maintaining out indoor plants for Winter. 

So mant succulents!

So mant succulents!

So many cacti!

So many cacti!



We were a little late for the rose garden in it's prime. Next year! 

We were a little late for the rose garden in it's prime. Next year! 

Fishermen at The Manasquan Reservoir. 

Fishermen at The Manasquan Reservoir. 

Winter is definitely on it's way Down The Shore. What are the plants doing where you live?

Something New: Home Made Oat Milk

I've been allergic to cow's milk for as long as I can remember. So although, I prefer skim milk in my coffee, I rarely drink it and I never buy. My preferred non dairy milk, especially in my coffee, is rice milk. Non sweetened rice milk is the closest to skim milk, in my opinion. But rice milk comes in tetra packs and often has a lot of gross ingredients (canola oil, why?), when bought commercially. So recently I went on the hunt for a rice milk alternative. I have found a few that I enjoy, but when my husband brought home extra oats the other day, and it coincided with running out of milk, I decided to try making my own Oat Milk. 


I had been researching making my own non dairy milks for a while, but buying as many nuts as one needs can get expensive! Oat milk, as well as cashew, hemp and macadamia, was one of the milks I tried and liked when store bought. Oats are super cheap, and can be bought in bulk, so it was a no brainer to try making the milk. I read a bunch of recipes but in the end decided to wing it and make it as simply as possible. 


1 cup oats
3 cups cool or cold water

Fine mesh strainer (or cheese cloth or nut milk bag)

All the recipes suggest using rolled oat or stone ground oats, but all I had on hand were quick oats so I used those. Some say to soak the oats, some not. I soaked mine for about 10 minutes, maybe less. I added the oats and the water to the blender and let sit as I puttered about the kitchen. Next, blend on high, as high as you can, for 5 -7 minutes. You don't want to blend too long. Once blended, use a fine mesh strainer or cheese cloth, etc... and pour into a jar. All I had for straining was a rather large stainer, but that worked fine. I just had a few oatmeal pieces in the jar afterwards. Refrigerate your milk. Makes about 1.5 pints. Use it in coffee, baking, etc... but shake before use! 

A few notes:
-Save the strained oat pieces, use as oatmeal for breakfast, in baking, etc...
-The recipes all say this volume lasts about a week but I'm almost done with mine 3 days in just from drinking in my daily coffees. 
-Don't heat this milk. Pouring it in coffee, or using in baking, is ok, but heating it on the stove will create a goopy mess. Think oatmeal without the meal. 
-Add sweetener and/or a pinch of salt if desired. I like my coffee unsweetened and even sweetened milk is too much for me.  
-Bring a spoon. This milk is a little gummy and heavier than most milk I'm used to in my coffee, so it tends to settle. I now have a spoon on hand to stir my coffee as needed. I also end up using more of this milk than I would another milk, so something to think about. 
-Make this milk zero waste and plastic free by getting your oats in bulk, recycling a jar for storage, and using the leftover blended oat parts.  

Over all, I really liked making my own oat milk. When I make my next batch, I will use more water to oats, to see if I like the consistency better. When I run out of our excess minute oats, I will try using stone ground to see if it ends up being less gloopy. I may make some sweetened to try it with cookies or for drinking. 

Next up, I plan to try rice milk! Who else out there makes their own non dairy milk? Tips, tricks?

Zero Waste: My Favorite Jars

In 2017 I started my zero waste journey. Zero Waste is the goal, mindful practice is the action. When I use the term Zero Waste, that is my ultimate goal, but Less Waste would be a more  accurate description of my evolving lifestyle. 

I think one thing that all all people trying to go zero waste, or plastic free, can agree on is that recycled jars are a great thing to have! They can be used for food storage instead of a plastic tupperware, as dry goods storage, as freezer storage, as drinking vessels, to hold cleaners, snacks, hair clips, home remedies, flowers, nuts, bolts, screws, and just about anything else you can think of.  


Since most of us, when buying packaged items, try to buy glass, we end up having quite a few jars laying around. Sure they can be recycled, and sometimes are, but I prefer to reuse at least a few time before that step, or indefinitely. I started this practice long before I knew what zero waste was and I was happy to discover I was already doing something towards this life style!

Another thing I think people who do the same and feel the same as I do about glass jars, is that we all have our favorite jars! Erin from Reading My Tea Leaves talks about her favorite jar in her blog. Personally, I have two favorite style of jars, that come from specific items. 

I'm a big fan of natural crunchy peanut butter. I don't much mind what brand, as long as it has less than 4 ingredients, is organic, and comes in a glass jar! These Jars are great, bc they are a manageable size, usually about 16oz, have a wide mouth, and a metal top! Great for drinking out of, bringing your drink along, storing food items and beach finds! When I need a larger vessel, I greatly enjoy a Mt Olive pickle jar! Firstly, yum, pickles! But this jar is twice as big as the peanut butter jar, and shares the same great properties!


I love these jars bc I find that the caps don't rust easily or quickly, and the jars themselves are sturdy and strong. These two are my go to jars and I use them in some capacity everyday. 

What jars are your favorite? Are there other surprising reused items you can't live with out?

Recipe | Zero Waste Hummus

In 2017 I started my zero waste journey. Zero Waste is the goal, mindful practice is the action. When I use the term Zero Waste, that is my ultimate goal, but Less Waste would be a more  accurate description of my evolving lifestyle. 

I don't eat a lot of hummus. But one day last month I got a hankering for it. I hate that it comes in plastic containers at the store, so I decided to make my own. It's very simple and easy and probably only takes about 30 minutes. It's a great beginner zero waste project!


Garlic - 1 clove
Juice of 1 lemon
Tahini - 1 spoonful
Chickpeas - 1 can drained and rinsed
Salt and Pepper to taste

Cutting Board
Can Opener

Open, drain and rinse chickpeas. Add peeled garlic clove, lemon juice, and blend until garlic is chopped. Add chickpeas, and tahini and blend until smooth. Add water or lemon juice to thin mixture if needed. Add salt and pepper to taste. Eat with crackers, bread, pita, etc...! I like mine with bread or pita and lots of veggies including red onions, tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, and or sprouts and extra good salt. 

A few notes:
-Keep the chickpea juice to use in other recipes. 
-Add more garlic if desired. I love more, but my husband does not. 
-You can make this recipe with a food processor, or by hand mashing. I just happen to have a blender. 

What makes this recipe near to zero waste? I use the lemon peels for cleaning solution and compost any other food waste. I recycle the chickpea can. The tahini came in a metal can with a plastic lid and it's contents will last a long time. When it's done, I plan on reusing the container for other food storage. To make it even more zero waste: Next time I buy tahini I'll get it in a glass jar, or make it myself. I could get the chickpeas in bulk to skip the can. 

What are your favorite low or zero waste snack recipes?

YOTS2017 / Rummage Sale Finds

I wasn't thinking about fabric when we set out to a huge rummage sale in Far Hills NJ that we heard about earlier this week. I was actually in the market for a second hand water pitcher. And maybe some records...

So, I was happily surprised when my husband pointed out the linen tent which had a whole section devoted to fabric! There was a ton a apolsetry fabrics as well as weird synthetics for clothing or costume, but mixed in there was some quilty goodness!! And I was even more pleased to see that there was vintage fabric, not just newer items.  

Part of my Year of the Stash Manifesto always includes not buying too much new fabric each year. We're trying to use our stash, not increase it! But I do always allow for some shopping, especially when it's from finding vintage fabric! I try to incorporate some vintage fabric in all my work, so coming across a small jackpot like the Far Hills Rummage Sale is always exciting! I also love to get most of my fabric second hand even if it is newer. It feels good to use up what someone couldn't and it fits right in with my zero waste philosophies! 


Finding this fabric was bittersweet as it nearly doubled my intake for the year! But think of all the wonderful things I will sew!! And I got all 19.5 yards for only $27! That's approximately $1.38/yard! I can't wait to unroll all the bundles and take a closer look as I start putting this fabric to good use!

Here's what my YOTS stash report looks like this month:
Fabric Added Since Last Update: Approximately 19.5yd
Fabric Added Year to Date: Approximately 42.75yd
Fabric Used Since Last Update: Approximately 0 yd
Fabric Used Year to Date: Approximately 13.5 yd

Sadly, there isn't a YOTS link up this year, but I am linking up with Molli Sparkles Sunday Stash. Who else out there is still working on Year of The Stash? How's it going?

PS, I never did find a water pitcher. Too distracted, I guess!

Mad Cat Capsule: Autumn (October - December)

At the start of my summer capsule, I had a hard time picking what it would be. This time around, I couldn't wait! Autumn is my third capsule and it was surprisingly easy to put together.  

This is the third capsule I've created since starting this project. When I was putting together Summer, I put several things aside for Fall, but when it came down to it, I only used a few of those. For Summer, I had one piece that inspired the whole collection, but for fall everything came together more organically. 

I happened to be going through all my clothes for a clothing swap with co workers, and I started by pulling everything I might like to wear and used that as a guide. I already had a basic idea of what I wanted to roll over from my Summer capsule.
The weather will be warm and cold and all other the place for this capsule so I have a wide range of clothing from tank tops to sweaters. 
For Fall, I kept my signature colors of grey and blue and I saved some coral pieces from Summer which worked well with some new items I'm adding.
Here is what is included in this capsule:


6 Tee Shirts - Most of these are rolled over from all of my previous capsules; A local brewery tee, a work tee from our 2016 picnic, a local radio stations tee, my grey v neck, a blue v neck, a cranberry crew neck. 

4 Tank Tops - These are all relatively old and well worn, and I'll mostly use them mostly for layering. These are all solids, some spaghetti straps, some wider strapped. 


7 Button Downs/Over Shirts/Long Sleeved/Fancy Shirts- I found that I wore a ton of button downs and over shirts for layering or just as is in Summer, so I'm keeping a few and adding a bunch. I'm also adding some long sleeve tees and shirts. I'm keeping both my denim button downs, and my white button down top. I'm adding a "fancy" button down. This goes with the blue silk tee that I've had for the last few capsules. I also have a waffle tee and a cowl neck 3/4 sleeve. 


7 Sweaters - I plan on getting a lot of use from sweaters and layers in this capsule. I have included some over sweaters and some that I can just wear as is. Two of these have been in my previous capsules. 


3 Skirts - I'm keeping the long flowing black skirt from Summer and adding a midi cordoroy, and a shorter wool skirt, all with pockets!


2 Dresses - I don't wear a lot of dresses, but it's good to have some! One with pockets, one with out. 


5 Pants - All my currant jeans are thrifted.  I'm toying with adding some other pants but I can't decide. 

I'm glad that my Autumn capsule falls right at Slow Fashion October. Part of the idea of my using a capsule wardrobe initially was to pare down the hundreds of clothes I own, but it was also to be more mindful of what I wear and where it comes from. I'm happy that 18 out of 34 of this capsule falls under slow fashion criteria. These pieces are either over 10 years old or second hand. Many of the new items were bought in small local shops.

How is everyone else's current capsule going? 

September in Review

September is a wonderful time Down the Shore. The weather was beautiful, the water was warm, the tourists went home, and local's Summer was in full effect. This month was busy, but it was a time to wind down, reconfigure routines, and enjoy time with friends and family. 

1) The Crane and Cat. 2) Skipper. 3) Neighbor. 4) New Friend. 

1) The Crane and Cat. 2) Skipper. 3) Neighbor. 4) New Friend. 

Not too many watchercats this month, but plenty of cat friends.
Lot's of farm fresh food was had this month. We've finally located our nearest farm markets, and are getting into a routine to get out veggies. 

1) Homes made hummus. 2) Home away from home. 3) Pink sky at night. 4) Floral spirits. 

1) Homes made hummus. 2) Home away from home. 3) Pink sky at night. 4) Floral spirits. 

We saw many friends this month, for visits and concerts, and exploration. We saw family for meals and conversation. We had work parties and pool parties to attend. 

1) Cabin life. 2) Light house views. 3) New towns. 4) Showtime!

1) Cabin life. 2) Light house views. 3) New towns. 4) Showtime!

We explored a few new towns, some of which we will gladly return to. We camped in a state forest, and perhaps will return. 

1) Cabins in the forest. 2) Mushrooms in the market. 3) Pools in the city. 4) Fields on the lawn. 

1) Cabins in the forest. 2) Mushrooms in the market. 3) Pools in the city. 4) Fields on the lawn. 

September was a lovely month, lovely summery weather, lovely familiar faces. The last day of September it started to feel like Fall. Will October be all Autumn, or will Summer linger longer?

August In Review

August was unseasonable. It was mild, cool, even! The weather was temperate, and we tried to relax where and when possible. But August was also busy and exhausting. 

Living in a beach town, where all the tourist flock, and who's getting more publicity each year, August tends to be insane. August is also when my blogging usually falls off and when I try to take some time off. I was undecided about taking a break right until the middle of the month. 

But in the end, I'm glad I did. My time off even carried over into September!

aug 1 .png

August was all about seeing friends, exploring new places, seeing family, visiting our favorite places, and generally just keeping it together! 

We were able to visit old haunts, heading back to Brooklyn or stopping by a favorite petting farm.  We also explored new places, like going camping in a state park! Since the beach is covered in tourists, we shied away from going to the beach too much, but we did sneak in a few good days. 

We saw plenty of #watchercats this month, which always brightens a time full of work and toil. 

We worked a lot at our jobs, Summer being the busy time for the whole family, but we didn't get too much work at home done. No sewing or quilting really happened this month but we did get a little work on the house done when we started renovating our kitchen. We also did some yard maintenance in August. 

aug 4.png

We got to try some new restaurants and partake in all of the food bounty August has to offer. Tomatoes! Peaches! Nectarines! Arugula!

Although it was a hard month, with lots of work and stress, we tried to make the most of it and enjoy Summer when we could.

 We took much needed breaks when we could in August. Hopefully we will have an easier time in September. Let's find out!