Weekly Video Round Up #11 - 2/15/21 - 2/21/21

2/17 - Finally doing the Booktube Newbie Tag!

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos three days a week. I post about creative simple living: books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Here I am finally doing The BookTube Newbie Tag! I waited 5 month to do this tag then rearranged the questions! Some nerve!

1. Why did you start this channel?
2. What are some fun and unique things you can bring to Booktube?
3. What are you excited for for this channel?
4. What kinds of books do you read? (originally question 10)
5. What book or series got you into reading?
6. When did you start reading? (8)
7. Why do you love reading? (4)
8. Where do you read? (9)
9. What challenges will you face with this channel? (7)
10. What would you ask your favorite Booktubers? (6)

Booktubers mentioned:
Gabriel Armstrong: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpTfpKWM0tQQ0MG332Q3rPg/videos
Booksandlala: https://www.youtube.com/c/BooksandLala/videos

Cats in this video: none but Marty in the background noise.

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

2/19 - 1 More Month to Zero Waste Check In | Feb 2021 | Declutter Everything! | Youtube recommendations

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos three days a week. I post about creative simple living: books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

In our 1 More Month to Zero Waste Journey, we are in month 2 and we are Decluttering Everything!! Or at least as much as we can! This is our mid month check in and if you need motivation and inspiration here are some awesome youtuber who declutter!!

Declutter reccs:
Racellea :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJCgaQzY5z5sA-xwkwibygw
MuchelleB: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW3yd6NHmEVpSjc5ze2dJe8WrEBmTSUZB
Shannon Torres: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUqV8_zhkfU7xYvoZG70fUQ
Simple Living with Scandish Home: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCai8DYzqppNo4ifXC-DvebA
Ashleyanne Eaton: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNbhFEhIHtcgqf4hBBtPYeQ

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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2/21 - Basement Box Books and Recently Acquired Books | Anti-Haul | Secondhand Books | Zero Waste Booktuber | Backlist Booktuber

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos three days a week. I post about creative simple living: books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Here are some books that I brought up from the basement or got a Free Little Libraries, or thrift shops.

Books mentioned:
Sharp Teeth (2007) Tobey Barlow
The Joke's Over: Ralph Steadman on Hunter S. Thompson (2006) Ralph Steadman
Gonzo (2010) Will Bingley and Anthony Hope-Smith
And Another Thing (2009) Eoin Colfer
Cats Don’t Exist (2004) JIS
The Secret Language of Dreams: A Visual Key to Dreams and Their Meanings (1993) David Fontana
Time Cat (1963) Lloyd Alexander
Thunderstruck (2006) Erik Larson
Each Peach Pear Plum (1978) Janet Ahlberg, Allan Ahlberg
The Lake District Murders (1935) John Bude
The Tiger in the Well (1990) Philip Pullman
A Clockwork Orange (1962) Anthony Burgess
The Chris Farley Show: A Biography in Three Acts (2007) Tom Farley Jr. and Tanner Colby

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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Weekly Video Round Up #10 - 2/8/21 - 2/14/2021

2/8 - 1 More Month to Zero Waste | Easy and Free Steps to Zero Waste | Low Impact Movement | Low Waste Lifestyle

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos three days a week. I post about creative simple living: books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

We are on a journey to become more zero waste, one month at a time. This is our second month and our challenge is to DECLUTTER EVERYTHING!! We must find out all the things we already own to see where are how we can reduce our waste.

This is a free zero waste challenge!! It’s easy and free!
Make a list of what you want to prioritize to declutter
Declutter those area!
Finish one area before moving on
Do as many areas on your list as you can in the month

Some things you might want to declutter: your dishes - do you need so many?, your bathroom items - do you have duplicates you can use up before you buy more?, your pantry - are there items that you can eat up before you go to the grocery again?, your art supples - make some art!, your inbox - unsubscribe unsubscribe unsubscribe!!! What else can you think of to declutter?

1 more month to zero waste:
Jan Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog/2021/1/8/6-more-months-of-zero-waste-the-end-of-6-more-months
Jan Video: https://youtu.be/Gs2W6Ngdl0s
Jan follow up: https://youtu.be/Eu-k-JlTk8g
Feb Video: https://youtu.be/8RewurP4A-0

Cats in this video: none visible

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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2/11 - Everything I Ate and Read in a Day | Realistic reading and eating on a normal day | DITL | Vegetarian |

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos three days a week. I post about creative simple living: books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Today I thought it might be interesting to see everything I ate and everything I read in a day. Spoilers alert…. it wasn’t very interesting.

Books in this video:
Carry on Jeeves (1925) PG Wodehouse
Sharp Teeth (2007) Tobey Barlow

Other things I read:
Hear Me Out: Why The Island of Dr Moreau isn’t a Bad Movie: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2021/feb/08/the-island-of-dr-moreau-hg-wells-marlon-brando
Ionicus Artist Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionicus
Heavy Metal Magazine Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_Metal_(magazine)
Law and Order: Criminal Intent IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0275140/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_7

Things I didn't read this day but you might want to:
The Island of Dr Moreau (1996 movie) Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Island_of_Dr._Moreau_(1996_film)

Cats in this video: Marty!!

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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2/14 - Monthly Bullet Journal and Plan with Me | Minimalist Bujo | February 2021 | BIG Habit Tracker

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos three days a week. I post about creative simple living: books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

This is a late February Set Up and Plan with Me. Since my minimalist layout is almost always the same, that's OK! This is my layout and my fierst steps to plan my month.

Are your monthly spreads always the same or do they change each month?

Cats in this video: Martin!

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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Weekly Video Round Up #8 - 1/25/2021 - 1/31/2021

1/25/2021 - How to Read More Nonfiction | 3 Tips to Read More in 2021 | Booktube and Cats | Backlist Booktuber

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I post about Creative Simple Living; books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Want to read more nonfiction in 2021? Try my three simple steps! Name one nonfiction book you want to read in the comments!

Cats in this video: Martin is a menace.

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/1...

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1/29/2021 - Trash Audit Check In | 1 More Month to Zero Waste | Recycling Info | Low Impact Movement | Low Waste

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. I post about books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and simple creative living!

We have been getting closer to a Zero Waste Lifestyle, one month at a time. Last month, we took two weeks to audit our trash. Here are my results, how did you do?

1 More Month to Zero Waste: January - https://youtu.be/Gs2W6Ngdl0s

Cats in this video: none

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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1/30/2021 - The BookTube Spin | Round One | 20 Books to Spin! | Backlist Booktuber | Nonfiction

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. I post about creative simple living, books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Welcome to The Booktube Spin! Created by Rick Macdonell, the rules are simple:
Pick 20 books on your TBR to read
Number each book (choose themes if you want to break them up)
Put that list up on social media
Check back in on Jan 31st too see what number the spin lands on
Read that book by March 31st!

Rick’s Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGujr-dBMVw&t=0s
and here is his list:

I broke my list into categories so let’s take a look.
BookTube Spin 2021 List
1- The Private Patient (2008) PD James
2 - Big Bang, A Novel (2019) David Bowmen
3 - Be Here Now (1971) Ram Dass
4 - Witches of Eastwick (1984) John Updike
(modern classics)
5 -Our Man in Havana (1962) Graham Greene
6 - The Pearl (1947) John Steinbeck
7 - Starship Troopers (1959) Robert Heinlein
8 - Carry On Jeeves (1925) PG Wodehouse
9 - A Murder is Announced (1950) Agatha Christie
10 - The Maltese Falcon (1929) Dashiell Hammet
11 - Rebecca (1939) Daphne De Muriexx
12 - Mad Mouse (2006) Chris Grubenstein
13 - Mr Wilson’s Cabinet of Wonders (1995) Lawrence Weschler
14 - Salt (2002) Mark Kurlansky
15 - Dead Wake (2015) Erik Larson
16 - Continuing the Good Life (Maine) (1979) Scott and Helen Nearing
(short stories/collections)
17 - The Salmon of Doubt (2002) Douglas Adams
18 - Flappers and Philosophers (1920) F Scott Fitzgereld
19 - Japanese Fairy Tales (1903) Edited by Philip Smith
20 - The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1961) Ernest Hemingway

Cats in this video: no cats today

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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Weekly Video Round Up #7 - 1/18/21 - 1/24/21

1/18 - Shelf or Toss Books I Read in 2020 | Unhaul | Bookshelf Organization | Backlist Booktuber

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. I post about books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Books in this video:
All of them!

Cats in this video: Martin!

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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1/20 - Booktube Tag | Reading Habits Tag | Backlist Booktuber

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I post about books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Today we have the Reading Habits Tag!! Stick around bc all the cats show up! I'm not sure who is the originator of this tag but the first I could find was Ariel Bissett here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A700s47V0hQ

Please do this tag bc I would love to find out where you read, how you read and what you eat while reading!

The Reading Habits Tag
1. Do you have a specific place at home for reading?
2. Bookmarks or random pieces of paper?
3. Can you stop reading anywhere in the book?
4. Can you eat or drink while reading?
5. Multitasking; music or TV while reading?
6. One book at a time or several at once?
7. Reading at home or everywhere?
8. Reading out-loud or silently in your head?
9. Do you read ahead/skip pages?
10. Break the spine or keep it like new?
11. Do you write in your books?

Books in this video: Red Dwarf (1989) Grant Naylor

Cats in this video: Irving! Flounder! Martin!

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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1/22 - Mad Cat Capsule Wardrobe | Winter Capsule Wardrobe (Jan, Feb, Mar) | Capsule Flip Thru | Slow Fashion | Second Hand

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I post about Creative Simple Living; books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Here is a quick flip through of my Winter Capsule Wardrobe. All of my Capsule is slow fashion and you can learn more about it here: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog/2021...

Find my Fall flip through here: https://youtu.be/Cy5Qwfczg80

Do you keep a Capsule Wardrobe?

Cats in this video: Martin and Flounder

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/1...

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Weekly Video Round Up #6 - 1/11/2021 - 1/17/2021

1/11 - 5 Favorite & Five Least Favorite Books of 2020 | 2020 in Review |

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. I post about books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

It was pretty hard to pick the top five and bottom five books of 2020!! Have you read any of the books I mention here?

What was your favorite and least favorite book on the year?

Books in this video:
The Wild Places (2007) Robert Macfarlane
Something Wicked This Way Comes (1962) Ray Bradbury
Little House in the Suburbs (2012) Deanna Caswell and Daisy Siskins
Basquiat (1997) Pheobe Hoban
The Long Legged Fly (1992) James Sallis
Notes from a Small Island (1995) Bill Bryson
Circus in the Woods (2001) Bill Littlefield
The Old Country (2005) Mordicai Gerstein
Eating Wildly (2014) Ava Chin
Murder at the Vicarage (1930) Agatha Christie
Dayworld (1985) Philip Jose Farmer
Man in the Dark (2008) Paul Auster
Dune (1975) Frank Herbert
Loafing Down Long Island (1921) Charles Hanson Towne
Through a Glass, Darkly (1950) Helen McCloy
The Good Life (1952) Scott and Helen Nearing
The Quiet American (1955) Graham Greene
The Crying of Lot 49 (1966) Thomas Pynchon

Cats in this video: Martin!

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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1/13 - 2021 Zero Waste Challenge | One More MOnth to Zero Waste | Part One: Trash Audit!

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. I post about books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

This is the start of my 2021 Zero Waste series, 1 More Month of Zero Waste! You can follow along with this series any time you find it!

For our first month we are doing a trash audit. Divide your trash in whatever way helps you see what trash you generate and where you can cut down on your waste. We will do this for two weeks and see what this challenge tells us!

Join us today or any time, by watching this video figuring out how you want to track your trash and checking the playlist below for the next challenge. Make sure yo leave any questions and what you will be tracking in the comments below!

Cats in this video: Martin, sorta.

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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1/15 - Small December Painting | Paint with Me | Watercolor Painting

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I post about books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

For the last few years, I made weekly goals and to accompany them, I would make a little piece of art. Here is my last weekly goals painting for December 2020. I use Prang Watercolors and I bought this notebook second hand.

Cats in this video: no time for cats.

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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Weekly Video Round Up #5 - 1/4/2021 - 1/10/2021

1/4 - December Reading Wrap Up | Last Wrap Up of 2020 | 9 Books in Dec |

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. I post about books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Here we have the 9 books I read in December 2020.

Books in this Video:
The Infinite Blackop (2018) Sara Gran
Eating Wildly: (2014) Ava Chin
Ghosts of Cape May (1988) xx and xx
It’s Fine By Me (1995) Per Petterson
Magpie Murders (2014) Anthony Horowitz
The Moving Finger (1942) Agatha Christie
Buried (2020) Jeffery Deaver
The Big Sleep (1939) Raymond Chandler
The Mistletoe Murders (Collected in 2016) PD James

Infinite Blacktop, Eating Wildly, Ghost Stories of Cape may and It’s fine by me can all be seen in mytwo 1000 Doors Readathon Vlogs:
The rest can be seen in my Cloak and Dagger Christmas Readathon Vlogs: xx and one coming soon!

Cats in this Video:

Original Music in this video:

1/6 - BxxKmas 2020 Wrap Up | Cloak and Dagger Christmas Wrap Up |

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. I post about books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Finally we are at the last BxxKmas Vlog, the last vlog of 2020, and the end of Cloak and Dagger Christmas! In this vlog, I read 4 short stories, finish 6 (or 9 depending how you look at it!) prompts to make Police Detective, watch some street construction, take a nap, see some xmas trees, take a walk, thank a bunch of people, and look at the rain.

What was the end of 2020 like for you?

Books in this video:
The Infinite Blackop (2018) Sara Gran - Billard Room
Magpie Murders (2014) Anthony Horowitz - Library/Study
The Moving Finger (1942) Agatha Christie -Kitchen/Lounge
Buried (2020) Jeffery Deaver - Hall
The Big Sleep (1939) Raymond Chandler - Conservatory
The Mistletoe Murders (Collected in 2016) PD James - Dining Room/Ballroom

Cloak and Dagger Christmas Readathon:
Hosts: Kate Howe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgcj...
Carolyn from Carolyn’s Reading Ramblings Kate from The Novel Nomad: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Tw...
Janelle from Too Fond of Books:

Clue Prompts:
1. Study: Associated with your profession, what you studied in college, or a field you'd like to learn about more www.stopyourekillingme.com/JobCats/index.html
2. Library: A book that references books, borrow a book from the library
3. Hall: entry into a new-to-you mystery sub genre or author or series
4. Billiard room: [cue balls] next numbered book in a series, book has a game or sport involved
5. Conservatory: nature, travel, warm climate
6. Kitchen: cozy food-based mystery, small town mystery
7. Dining Room: closed circle, small group of people, hotel, dinner party
8. Lounge: [cocktails] written or set during the Golden Age (1920s-30s)
9. Ballroom: party

Amateur Sleuth Level: 3 prompts Police Detective Level: 5 prompts Sherlock Holmes Level: 9 prompts

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon: https://youtu.be/CXVIqTGpcKw
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR: https://youtu.be/FxTKboI8JQ8
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag: https://youtu.be/UNOqe53w-I0
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020: https://youtu.be/SQyQ-dPlSkI
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up: https://youtu.be/dr9xOg2y_68
10) Dec 19th - Move my bookcase with me: https://youtu.be/9XOKXAUpjoc
11) Dec 20th - 20 books from 2020 that I want to read in 2021: https://youtu.be/2B-1-xsbn1U
12) Dec 22nd - BookTube Reflections Tag: https://youtu.be/hiJ6fYrs5c4
13) Dec 23rd - BxxKmas Vlog 3, Cloak and Dagger 1: https://youtu.be/xYL8Jkucg68
14) Dec 26th - Daily Bullet Journal Fill In: https://youtu.be/diKPqNabev8
15) Dec 27th - Bookish and BookTube Goals: https://youtu.be/YjCzDYGE46A
16 ) Dec 31st - BxxKmas vlog 4, Cloak and Dagger 2: https://youtu.be/t3i8wErU4X0
17) Jan 1st - January Bujo Spread:

Cats in this video: Martin!

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

1/8/2021 - TBR ASMR #4 | BookTube ASMR | Lofi, no talking, book scratching, tapping, page turning, brushing

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. I post about books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Here is a ASMR TBR where I play around with some books I may read and make lofi ASMR. There is no talking in this video but you will hear tapping, scratching, page turning, breathing, and book brushing.

What are your favorite book sounds?

Books in this video:
Woodswoman (1975) Anne LaBastille
Mr. Wilson's Cabinet Of Wonder: Pronged Ants, Horned Humans, Mice on Toast, and Other Marvels of Jurassic Technology (1995) Lawrence Weschler

Cats in this video: none

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

Weekly Video Round Up #4 - 12/28/2020 - 1/3/2021

12/31 - BxxKmas 2020 | Cloak & Dagger Christmas Part 2 | Vlog | Basement Box Book Haul! | Mystery Book Haul

Cloak and Dagger Christmas Readathon:
Hosts: Kate Howe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgcj...
Carolyn from Carolyn’s Reading Ramblings Kate from The Novel Nomad: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Tw...
Janelle from Too Fond of Books:

Clue Prompts:
1. Study: Associated with your profession, what you studied in college, or a field you'd like to learn about more www.stopyourekillingme.com/JobCats/index.html
2. Library: A book that references books, borrow a book from the library
3. Hall: entry into a new-to-you mystery sub genre or author or series
4. Billiard room: [cue balls] next numbered book in a series, book has a game or sport involved
5. Conservatory: nature, travel, warm climate
6. Kitchen: cozy food-based mystery, small town mystery
7. Dining Room: closed circle, small group of people, hotel, dinner party
8. Lounge: [cocktails] written or set during the Golden Age (1920s-30s)
9. Ballroom: party

Amateur Sleuth Level: 3 prompts Police Detective Level: 5 prompts Sherlock Holmes Level: 9 prompts

Group Read – The Bird by Daphne du Maurier
Group Watch – Agatha and the Truth of the Murder • December 12th 8:15pm EST and December 13th 10:45 am Australian Central Daylight Time
Instagram scavenger hunt • Candlestick • Revolver • Lead pipe • Dagger • Rope • Monkey wrench

Books in this video:
Magpie Murders (2014) Anthony Horowitz
The Moving Finger (19xx) Agatha Christie
Buried (xxxx) Jeffery Deaver

Cats in this video: no cats wanted to appear in this vlog

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon: https://youtu.be/CXVIqTGpcKw
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR: https://youtu.be/FxTKboI8JQ8
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag: https://youtu.be/UNOqe53w-I0
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020: https://youtu.be/SQyQ-dPlSkI
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up: https://youtu.be/dr9xOg2y_68
10) Dec 19th - Move my bookcase with me: https://youtu.be/9XOKXAUpjoc
11) Dec 20th - 20 books from 2020 that I want to read in 2021: https://youtu.be/2B-1-xsbn1U
12) Dec 22nd - BookTube Reflections Tag: https://youtu.be/hiJ6fYrs5c4
13) Dec 23rd - BxxKmas Vlog 3, Cloak and Dagger 1: https://youtu.be/xYL8Jkucg68
14) Dec 26th - Daily Bullet Journal Fill In: https://youtu.be/diKPqNabev8
15) Dec 27th - Bookish and BookTube Goals: https://youtu.be/YjCzDYGE46A
16 ) Dec 31st - BxxKmas vlog 4, Cloak and Dagger 2: https://youtu.be/t3i8wErU4X0

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

1/1/21 - BxxKmas 2020 | January Bullet Journal Spread & Full Journal Flip | Minimalist BuJo | Plan with me

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? This is the last week of my first ever vlogmas\bookmas\BxxKmas and it's been great and hard!

Here is how I set up my Jan Spread in my Bullet Journal. I also show and tell you a description of how I use the monthly spreads in my BUJO. There is a daily fill in video on my channel (https://youtu.be/diKPqNabev8), an older journal flip through (https://youtu.be/f3c1mkF46p0 ), and I will do a Feb Plan with me later in Jan!!

Make sure to share your Jan spread or plan with me in the comments!

Find the journal I am currently using here:

Cats in this video: Flounder

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon: https://youtu.be/CXVIqTGpcKw
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR: https://youtu.be/FxTKboI8JQ8
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag: https://youtu.be/UNOqe53w-I0
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020: https://youtu.be/SQyQ-dPlSkI
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up: https://youtu.be/dr9xOg2y_68
10) Dec 19th - Move my bookcase with me: https://youtu.be/9XOKXAUpjoc
11) Dec 20th - 20 books from 2020 that I want to read in 2021: https://youtu.be/2B-1-xsbn1U
12) Dec 22nd - BookTube Reflections Tag: https://youtu.be/hiJ6fYrs5c4
13) Dec 23rd - BxxKmas Vlog 3, Cloak and Dagger 1: https://youtu.be/xYL8Jkucg68
14) Dec 26th - Daily Bullet Journal Fill In: https://youtu.be/diKPqNabev8
15) Dec 27th - Bookish and BookTube Goals: https://youtu.be/YjCzDYGE46A
16) Dec 31st - BxxKmas vlog 4, Cloak and Dagger 2: https://youtu.be/t3i8wErU4X0
17) Jan 1st - January Bullet Journal spread: https://youtu.be/kMjTct0oSa4

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

Weekly Video Round Up #3 | 12/21/2020 - 12/27/2020

12/22 - BxxKmas 2020 | BookTube Reflections Tag | Looking back at my first year on Booktube | BookTube and Cats

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!

Here is the Booktube Reflections Tag which was originally created by Everything Elle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkOVy9IzjJI ) and I found it through Bill Ruttenburg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPocgaph5pU ). I really like this short sweet little tag but I ramble on about my thoughts quite a bit.

Channels mentioned: Books and La La (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmT3SYwGCZvzFLTo_18Cvnw )

Cats in this Video: Martin

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon: https://youtu.be/CXVIqTGpcKw
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR: https://youtu.be/FxTKboI8JQ8
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag: https://youtu.be/UNOqe53w-I0
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020: https://youtu.be/SQyQ-dPlSkI
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up: https://youtu.be/dr9xOg2y_68
10) Dec 19th - Move my bookcase with me: https://youtu.be/9XOKXAUpjoc
11) Dec 20th - 20 books from 2020 that I want to read in 2021: https://youtu.be/2B-1-xsbn1U

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

12/23 - BxxKmas 2020 | Cloak and Dagger Xmas Part 1 | Week 3 Vlog | Beach Bum Booktuber

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!

In this vlog I start the Cloak and Dagger Christmas Readathon, eat some pasta, watch an earth mover, walk on the beach, see some snow, see some holiday lights, celebrate the solstice (sorta), and visit an art store.

Cloak and Dagger Christmas Readathon:
Hosts: Kate Howe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgcj...
Carolyn from Carolyn’s Reading Ramblings Kate from The Novel Nomad: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Tw...
Janelle from Too Fond of Books:

Clue Prompts:
1. Study: Associated with your profession, what you studied in college, or a field you'd like to learn about more www.stopyourekillingme.com/JobCats/index.html
2. Library: A book that references books, borrow a book from the library
3. Hall: entry into a new-to-you mystery sub genre or author or series
4. Billiard room: [cue balls] next numbered book in a series, book has a game or sport involved
5. Conservatory: nature, travel, warm climate
6. Kitchen: cozy food-based mystery, small town mystery
7. Dining Room: closed circle, small group of people, hotel, dinner party
8. Lounge: [cocktails] written or set during the Golden Age (1920s-30s)
9. Ballroom: party

Amateur Sleuth Level: 3 prompts Police Detective Level: 5 prompts Sherlock Holmes Level: 9 prompts

Group Read – The Bird by Daphne du Maurier
Group Watch – Agatha and the Truth of the Murder • December 12th 8:15pm EST and December 13th 10:45 am Australian Central Daylight Time
Instagram scavenger hunt • Candlestick • Revolver • Lead pipe • Dagger • Rope • Monkey wrench

Books in this video:
Magpie Murders (2014) Anthony Horowitz
The Moving Finger (19xx) Agatha Christie
Buried (xxxx) Jeffery Deaver

Cats in this video: no cats wanted to appear in this vlog

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon: https://youtu.be/CXVIqTGpcKw
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR: https://youtu.be/FxTKboI8JQ8
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag: https://youtu.be/UNOqe53w-I0
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020: https://youtu.be/SQyQ-dPlSkI
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up: https://youtu.be/dr9xOg2y_68
10) Dec 19th - Move my bookcase with me: https://youtu.be/9XOKXAUpjoc
11) Dec 20th - 20 books from 2020 that I want to read in 2021: https://youtu.be/2B-1-xsbn1U
12) Dec 22nd - BookTube Reflections Tag: https://youtu.be/hiJ6fYrs5c4

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

12/26 - BxxKmas 2020 | Daily BuJo Fill In | Bullet Journaling | Fast Writing | No Talking | Minimalist BuJo

Hi, I'm Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!

Here is a typical day of filling in my bullet journal. I will be posting my January set up very soon and will also post a jan plan with me. I have a very minimalistic bujo and don't mind if I make mistakes.

Do you bullet journal?

Cats in this video: sadly none.

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon: https://youtu.be/CXVIqTGpcKw
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR: https://youtu.be/FxTKboI8JQ8
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag: https://youtu.be/UNOqe53w-I0
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020: https://youtu.be/SQyQ-dPlSkI
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up: https://youtu.be/dr9xOg2y_68
10) Dec 19th - Move my bookcase with me: https://youtu.be/9XOKXAUpjoc
11) Dec 20th - 20 books from 2020 that I want to read in 2021: https://youtu.be/2B-1-xsbn1U
12) Dec 22nd - BookTube Reflections Tag: https://youtu.be/hiJ6fYrs5c4
13) Dec 23rd - BxxKmas Vlog 3, Cloak and Dagger 1: https://youtu.be/xYL8Jkucg68

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

12/27 - BxxKmas 2020 | 2021 Reading and Channel Goals | Goal Making | NOT Smart Goals

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!

I am trying to make obtainable goals for reading and for this channel for 2021! I love goals making. Check out more of my 2021 goals on my blog (below).

What are your bookish or channel goals for this year?

Cats in this video: none.

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon: https://youtu.be/CXVIqTGpcKw
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR: https://youtu.be/FxTKboI8JQ8
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag: https://youtu.be/UNOqe53w-I0
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020: https://youtu.be/SQyQ-dPlSkI
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up: https://youtu.be/dr9xOg2y_68
10) Dec 19th - Move my bookcase with me: https://youtu.be/9XOKXAUpjoc
11) Dec 20th - 20 books from 2020 that I want to read in 2021: https://youtu.be/2B-1-xsbn1U
12) Dec 22nd - BookTube Reflections Tag: https://youtu.be/hiJ6fYrs5c4
13) Dec 23rd - BxxKmas Vlog 3, Cloak and Dagger 1: https://youtu.be/xYL8Jkucg68
14) Dec 26th - Daily Bullet Journal Fill In: https://youtu.be/diKPqNabev8

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

Weekly Video Round up #2 | 12/14/2020 - 12/20/2020

12/14 - BxxKmas 2020 | I Reached My GoodReads Goal! | GoodReads Goals and Thoughts | What I think of GoodReads

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays.
Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!

I started my Goodreads account in August and I hit my goal of 50 books in December. Do you use Goodreads?

Books Mentioned:
The Tale of Beatrix Potter (1970) Margaret Lane

Cats in this Video: None

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon: https://youtu.be/CXVIqTGpcKw
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR: https://youtu.be/FxTKboI8JQ8
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag: https://youtu.be/UNOqe53w-I0

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

12/18 | BxxKmas 2020 | 1000 Doors Readathon Finale | Chatty Vlog | Vlog Fail?

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays.
Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!

I finally participated in the 1000 Door Readathon and in this vlog I finish it! This readathon was created by Meg with Books (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7p6EBNVA4bSzDdzl3bL_GA ), Drinking By My Shelf (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBv9PyaDIjq_7nnTreH93_A ), and Tea, Books, and Tasmyn (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjQuXVURkIu1zXLWhydIIvw ) and features Monica Kim (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE91wUZaPq7M3uKgJlp9oag ).

This vlog is very chatty and a bit of a fail. I talk A LOT, visit a free little library, drink coffee, read a yellow book, eat pizza and pasta, get off my bxxkmas posting schedule, visit a park, and then talk some more.

Books read in this vlog:
Cape May Ghosts Stories (1988) David J Seibold and Chrles J Adams III
It’s Fine By Me (1992) Per Petterson

Cats in this Video: Martin and Flounder

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon: https://youtu.be/CXVIqTGpcKw
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR: https://youtu.be/FxTKboI8JQ8
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag: https://youtu.be/UNOqe53w-I0
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020: https://youtu.be/SQyQ-dPlSkI

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

12/19 - BxxKmas 2020 | Move My Bookcase With Me | Let’s mover books around all day! | Read Shelf Declutter

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!

We are rearranging our middle room so help me move my read shelf! Book sorting, no talking! Cats in this Video: Irving makes a brief appearance.

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon: https://youtu.be/CXVIqTGpcKw
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR: https://youtu.be/FxTKboI8JQ8
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag: https://youtu.be/UNOqe53w-I0
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020: https://youtu.be/SQyQ-dPlSkI
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up: https://youtu.be/dr9xOg2y_68

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/1...

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

12/20 - BxxKmas 2020 | 20 books from 2020 I want to read in 2021 | Books Seen On BookTube | Books to Read

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!

I barely know what these 20 books are about but I heard about them on BookTube in 2020 and I want to read them in 2021!!

Books mentioned: You gotta watch the video!!

Cats in this Video: none! But there is a BIRD

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon: https://youtu.be/CXVIqTGpcKw
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR: https://youtu.be/FxTKboI8JQ8
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag: https://youtu.be/UNOqe53w-I0
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020: https://youtu.be/SQyQ-dPlSkI
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up: https://youtu.be/dr9xOg2y_68
10) Dec 19th - Move my bookcase with me: https://youtu.be/9XOKXAUpjoc

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

Weekly Video Round Up #1 | 12/7/2020 - 12/13/2020

Here is where you can catch up on all the BookTube videos I posted the previous week.
This is my second week of BxxKmas, my own take on Vlogmas, and this week includes my November Reading Wrap Up!

12/7 | BxxKmas 2020 | November 2020 Wrap Up | 6 Books | Nonfiction November | Reading Dune for the First Time!

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays.
I read 6 books in November

Books in this video:
Herbs: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy (1981) Norma Jean Lathrop
Basquiat: A Quick Killing in Art (1997) Phoebe Hoban
Green-Wood Cemetery (2008) Alexandra Kathryn Mosca
The Body in the Library (1942) Agatha Christie
Dune (1965) Frank Herbert
The Tale of Beatrix Potter: A Biography (1970) Margaret Lane

One of these books was in my TBR/ASMR video: https://youtu.be/iesCCNDctuE
Three of these books were mentioned in my Nonfiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew

Cats in this video: xx

Bookmas was created by Hailey in BookLand: https://www.youtube.com/user/hailsheartsnyc

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

12/9 | Bxxkmas 2020 | Vlog no. 3 | 1000 Doors Readathon Part 1 | Vlogs Every Week in December

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays.
This is the first of my official Bxxkmas 2020 vlogs. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December! In this blog I start the 100 Doors Readathon, visit a Free Little Library, eat some homemade Indian food, spend time with cats, forget to film, talk about ferns, and drink coffee.

Bookmas was created by Hailey in BookLand: https://www.youtube.com/user/hailsheartsnyc

The 1000 Doors Readathon was started by Meg with Books (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7p6EBNVA4bSzDdzl3bL_GA ), Drinking By My Shelf (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBv9PyaDIjq_7nnTreH93_A ), and Tea, Books, and Tasmyn (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjQuXVURkIu1zXLWhydIIvw ) and originally ran the first week in November.

Books in this video:
The Tale of Beatrix Potter (1970) Margaret Lane
The Infinite Blacktop (2018) Sara Gran
Eating Wildly: Foraging for Life, Love, and the Perfect Meal (2014) Ava Chin

Cats in this video: Martin, and Irving

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

12/12 | BxxKmas 2020 | LoFi Seltzer ASMR | Tapping, Glass Sounds, Bubbles, Drinking Sounds, No Talking | ASMR and Cats

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays.
Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!

Yes, we drink a lot of soda water in our house! Here is my lofi can popping, tapping, drinking sounds, bubbles, carbonation sounds with no talking.

This marks my first late upload! A YouTube milestone and not the last time it happens, I'm sure! Would you rather see a late video from your favorite creators, or skip to the next?

Cats in this video: Irving

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon: https://youtu.be/CXVIqTGpcKw

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

12/13 | BxxKmas 2020 | Nonfiction on BookTube Tag | Nonfiction BookTube | Punk Rock

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays.
Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!

The Nonfiction on BookTube Tag was originally Started by A Book Olive (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnv6OwURHZI ) and I originally saw it on Josh’s Bookish Voyage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=536FNVW1sjs ). I really enjoyed doing this tag and thinking about all the nonfiction I want to read.

Check out my Top Five Nonfiction Books Video here: https://youtu.be/sb3ekIzqQ4s

--The Questions--
1. How much nonfiction do you read?
2. What kind of nonfiction videos do you make/do you WANT to make on Booktube?
3. What’s your favorite sub-genre of nonfiction?
4. Do you have a favorite nonfiction book?
5. What do you think keeps people from wanting to read more nonfiction?
6. Why do you like nonfiction?
7. What’s a nonfiction book you read because of Booktube?
8. What’s the best nonfiction book you’ve read lately?
9. What are some of your nonfiction reading goals?
10. What’s your advice for incorporating more nonfiction into your reading diet?
BONUS: Give some recommendations of nonfiction Booktube channels that you love!

Books Mentioned:
Our Band Could Be Your Life:Scenes from the American Indie Underground, 1981-1991 (2001) Michael Azzerrad
Woodswoman I: Living Alone in the Adirondack Wilderness (1975) Anne Lebastille
The Good Life (1935 - 1970) Scott and Helen Nearing http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog/2020/9/19/the-good-life

Channels Mentioned:
A Book Olive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6wKgH6YIKKfNX9-EN0dxIA
A Cup of Books: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_LnvkHx3hpWjeXpZ8iSJXg
Live Forever or Die Trying: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrZgJuemvVAq6wa8XOxLmCg

Cats in this Video: None

BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog: https://youtu.be/vACxBZIhVew
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3: https://youtu.be/YTPm8Vnp3sc
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag: https://youtu.be/LCvUj-WBNu0
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up: https://youtu.be/wd1QYJwUIZM
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon: https://youtu.be/CXVIqTGpcKw
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR: https://youtu.be/FxTKboI8JQ8

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!