My Read Shelf progression in 2020.
6 More Months of Zero Waste | The End of 6 More Months?
For more than two years Mad Cat Quilts has featured posts called 6 More Moths of Zero Waste. In this challenge series, we take 6 month increments to get started or work towards becoming better at zero waste. Each month for a 6 month block we tackle a zero waste problem and learn how to be more sustainable, more zero waste, become better at being plastic free. We would usually tackle these challenges the 6 months leading up to Plastic Free July and for the 6 month after PFJ.
In those years we have learned what trash we throw away when we did a trash audit, we’ve done meatless Monday, we’ve learned how to shop second hand, we’ve stopped buying bottled water, learned to grow our own food, and how to compost our scraps, we have become more aware of our consumption and waste, we have become better at the low impact movement lifestyle and we have found ways to use less plastic!
We were chugging reight along for those last few yers. But what happened in December of 2020? Well, that’s question that we could ask about every month in 2020. The last installment of the last block of 6 More Months of Zero Waste will happen…. Eventually.
This was a super fun series and it let me and my reader make new roads towards a more zero waste lifestyle.
But now, it’s time to reinforce some of what we learned in all those 6 month block. As we all know, Zere waste is the goal, but it’s a life long on going journey. We will have times where we fall back into bad habits, or get slack on those we keep. IN order to help us move forward, we can revisit the things we learned to make sure that we are still incorporating them in our daily lives. We will call this One More Month to Zero Waste.
If you feel ready for a refresher, you can go back to the beginning of the blog series, or take a look at any of the blog posts to see past month’s challenges. You can start at the beginning, or you can hop around. Over on my youtube channel we’ll be going month to month with small actionable challenges, based on 6 More Months to Zero Waste starting now! There are many ways to follow along and make every month a chance to be better at zero waste!
Did you have a favorite challenge from this series? One that surprised you? One you already did? What challenges do you feel the need to revisit? Leave us a comment!
Mad Cat Garden | December 2020
Every month for the last few years, I have looked back at the pics I took of the garden the previous, and gone over them in this column. And this month, I don’t have any. I have no pics of our garden from dec 2020.
I could have simply skipped this series this month, but that just didn’t feel right. This year was such a great year in our garden in many ways and this has given me an opportunity to look back over 2020 and our garden.
In January, the photos look bright and sunny! There was chard and a radish still growing in the garden. There was also snow that month, so it wasn’t all off to a sunny start. It was sad to remember our jackfruit trees and see them as small babies, thriving. Jan felt full of potential, but too early for lots of growth.
The groundhog predicted an early spring and much of the family was out observing the garden in Feb. We worked on the compost, and saw out onion of two years still surviving the winter. Inside the jackfruit was growing and we were rearranging the house to keep them and other seedlings in the sunny spots.
In March, especially towards the end saw so much change and growth in the garden. Inside seedlings and sprouts were going strong and we were quickly running out of space! Luckily by the end of the month we moved a few things outside! We got lettuces and other leafy greens to plant outside as well. The blueberries were budding, the onion growing, and all over the garden, plants were starting to peak out of the earth. Around the neighborhood, we also started seeing other people prepping their own gardens!
In April, there were peppers, peas and other plants jumping up under the grow lights inside. Lettuces, kale, cauliflower, and more were started in the outside beds. Herbs we planted the month before were taking off in our front beds. We were also trying new experiments with beds. We took a shelving unit that came with the house when we bought it, and had been living in the basement for years, got new life as a 5th backyard bed.
In May, more herbs, more new beds, tomatoes, raspberry bushes, flowers and a pile of dirt!
In June our radishes had already gone to seed, brussels were brusseling, lettuces and kale were huge. Peppers were starting and we were branching out with new veggies, like edemame. Summer was here and the garden seemed small but was starting to feel quite lush. Blueberries were popping up and we were already fighting the birds to get a few for ourselves. And out onion was huge!
In July the lettuces had bolted, we had basil, mint lavender, the blueberries were getting ripe and eaten before we could taste them. We had shishitos, tomatoes, and greens to eat. But the garden was still in a blooming stage. By this time in 2019, we were over flowing with fruit and veg. This year this the garden seems a bit stunted.
In August flowers were blooming, raspberries were berrying, and we were harvesting zucchini, a new veg for our garden. We were eating from the garden a lot at this point. this was the height of the garden, but we were still surprised that the garden wasn’t as lush as the previous year.
By September, the garden was winding down and I was writing about the joy of using up our last veg and eating the end of our favorite summer meals. We had also finally put up our green house and were starting to populate it.
In October the morning glories we re still going strong and we were pursuing our new new favorite pastime of seed saving. This was the month we saved the most seeds. We saved out own seeds and we also went foraging for seeds. We hope to use a lot of the seeds we saved in the spring and summer of 2021.
In November we had packed the greenhouse almost full and we were cleaning out the beds. We still had our brussels which never fully matured and we never picked. We were still eating lettuce and kale from the greenhouse.
And now, in December, the beds are bare. All the plants that hibernate in the winter are doing so. We moved as many flowers as we could into the greenhouse but it’s getting harder to keep it warm on below freezing nights. We thrifted a space heater and has it helped add some warmth on the coldest nights. We are starting now, to think about the new growing season. Our grower friends are buying seeds and we are all making plans for 2021.
What was your garden like in 2020? Did it thrive or was it sparse? Was it what you expected or was it surprising? What are you plans for 2021?
December Plant Update
We spent way too much time in December indoors. The weather turned cold and we had work to do, and the month went so fast! We did get out some and tried to take walks and make some plant observations when we could.
The surfers braved the cold, but were rewarded by beautiful skies in Dec.
I was taken with this speckled sand.
Near Deal Lake, flowers bloomed in December.
Our boxwood has these amazing bright green tips with tinges of red.
I was captivated by the huge aloe.
Back on my wreath game.
Made from all foraged materials.
Hello, Neighbor.
Goodbye 2020.
Another year of plant observations on the books! Even though we didn’t go out too much, I feel we were mindful of our practice to observe the plants and nature around us. We went to a few parks, and made a point to walk. We were disappointed when we could not. In 2021, I’m excited to keep up this habit and this series!
Cape May Ghost Stories
One of my goals in 2020 (and 2021!) is to read more. See other books I've read or listened to here.
Perhaps I picked up Cape May Ghost Stories by David J Seibold and Charles J Adams III in Cape May? But I’m not sure.
Mysteries visions, strange noises, cold spells, papers fluttering, objects moving, and other spooky and startling events are only a few stories that are told to two authors when they reach out to find out if historic Cape May is actually haunted.
This book was written in the late eighties but it was fun read about places and land marks that are familiar to me today. Cape May is a Victorian beach town and one of the first beach resort destinations in the history of modern America. It perfectly lends it’s self to ghost stories and according to those in this book there are ghosts and spirits at every turn. Many of these stories are quite flimsy as far as evidence of life beyond the grave, but the spooky and mysterious nature fits in perfectly with the back drop of Cape May. The authors put out a call for people in surrounding areas to come forward with tales of the unknown and it seems there were quite a few to be told. Seibold and Adams tell the stories as it was told to them, sometimes doing additional research. Most of the names and some of the locations have been changed. I really liked how homespun this book is. It feel like friends who are interested in different things and writing books about them, ghost stories being one of those subjects. I would recommend this book to people who like local or small town stories, those interested in supernatural stories, or anyone who has visited and loved Cape May.
What books about local places have you liked?
Eating Wildly
One of my goals in 2020 (and 2021!) is to read more. See other books I've read or listened to here.
I picked up Eating Wildly: Foraging for Life, Love, and the Perfect Meal by Ava Chin at a goodwill this year.
During one of her most difficult and challenging years, Ava Chin discovers her love of foraging and it changes her life forever.
When I picked this up my husband said I wasn’t going to like it. He predicted that this was going to be too much of a self help book, too much of a romance, too cloying. And he was right, for the most part it was not a self help book). Chin shares difficult areas of life: her break up, difficult relationship with her month and father, her grandmother’s failing health, insecurity in work and life as she moved through her 30s. She also shares the joys of discovering foraging and her growing confidence in the subject. Unfortunately the way she conveys this information is disorganized, jumps confusingly in time, and is told in a surprisingly over dramatic way. Her writing is flowery, over descriptive and twee. It’s hard to be so critical of a memoir, bc this not only is someone’s life, but how they want to tell you about it. Even though many aspects of this book were not only disappointing but actually offensive to me, I can’t discount that this is Ava Chin’s story in her own words. That being said, if I can sum up how I felt about this book in three words: overly self indulgent. I appreciate Chin’s difficult childhood, her troubles navigating even the most basic of romantic relationships, her crushing insecurities about work and her own abilities, her self pity and denial of privilege, but I can’t appreciate the sappy and sophomoric way in which she relates these things. What I found most offensive was that despite all the phycological, physical and emotional work she does to over come her difficulties, the only thing that really makes her problems feel solved (to herself) is finding a boyfriend. She takes the reader on a journey of healing, but is the lasting lesson is one is not whole with out a man. I was greatly disappointed that one of the only books I read by an Asian American author in 2020 was a terrible book, especially bc it was a memoir of a mostly interesting life. But I know that is more my short coming at not reading enough diverse authors. I bought Eating Wildly with the idea that I would pass it on to a foraging friend after I was done, but I cannot recommend this book to her or anyone else.
Have you ever gotten a book that you hoped to pass on but decided you couldn’t?
2020 Goals in Review
It took me a long time to figure out my goals in the beginning of 2020. Looking back I liked the why that I I separated them into areas of my life. Many of the goals were ones I had been ones I worked on before or variations of older goals.
In the mid year, I went over them again and marked where I was in the goals at the time. After ruminating on that for a while, I made some additional goals for the end of the year.
Now I want to reinspect them. I’m curious to see how the orginal goals progressed an the end of the years. I also know that I didn’t revisit the later mid year goals I had set. Let’s take a look.
Creation Over Consumption - I’m not sure if I’ve created too much so far this year, but I have had more time to create and relax and let my brain work towards a creative direction. - I think I’m ready to modify this goal in the new year, but I do think I made strides in this in the end of the year, especially starting Mad Cat Quilts BookTube!
Be More Self Sustainable - Overall, all the progress I made in there goals was halted when I was back to work more full time and as Summer progressed. In the Fall, it was still hectic trying to transition out of my job. Below are a few notes in specific goals.
Live slow -Lockdown was great to reassert this goal!
Forage more - Another happy circumstances of lockdown was no shopping, foraging was the only option.
Grow more food -Our garden is huge!
Build a greenhouse - Almost done! - More on this in the Mid Year Goals.
Cook more - I have been cooking more and we have been eating better than ever!
Beach more - In the beginning of lockdown, it was easy to walk to the beach just about everyday. Now that the Summer tourists are here, and not following social distancing rules, we have pretty much stopped going to the beach. While that is sad, I’m excited for Sept, when we can go often again.
Cat health - Quarantine was an amazing time to get to spend with our cats. Being home all the time really allowed us quality time and enabled us to focus on cat health. - We had high highs and low lows this year. If nothing else, 2021 should be a little calmer on the cat front.
Work less - Wow! Now I need to figure out a way to do that all the time.
Spend less - Yes!
House Projects -We haven’t made much headway on any house projects so far this year. Perhaps that’s something to focus on for the rest of 2020? - This mid year assessment held true for all these things.
Woodstove - I still really want this as a goal. We need to get a new roof, so it makes sense to get a wood stove installed before then.
Clean and reduce
Travel and Explore - Well, this is where covid 19 got in the way of our plans instead of helped them. We have not been able to travel and explore too much this year. There are a lot of changes that we have adopted during this time that we want to keep, but being able to travel is something we want to take up again. Travel in the next few years might look quite different but we will see as we go. - Yep, travel is on hold…. I have some ideas for small travels in 2021.
Explore where to have a vacation house
Johnson family trip
Read 1 Book per Month -I totally nailed this goal this year! - What an amazing year for me and reading, I can’t even begin to explain how happy I am about it. At the time of this goals check in I’ve read 58 books this year.
Shroud for a Nightingale - This book was read.
Salt -On my list
Magical Herbalism - Yep, and I’ve read 18 other books this year so far.
Exercise - Lockdown was great for walking and health, but afterwards things fell down a bit. I am excitied to build habits that last in the beginning of 2021.
Walk - Such a good year for this so far!
Swim - This is something that I would still like to explore, but the virus has put a damper on seeking it out.
Stretch - This might be the only goal on the list that I wish I had done better on.
Health and supplements
And here are the mid year goals I wanted to focus on:
Reduce Work, Increase Creativity - My immediate thought is that this didn’t happen, but when I think about it more, I really did. I can’t wait to expand this even more in 2021.
I’m working on some long term creative plans. I would like to know, even when I’m stressed with work, my creative endeavors are not the only things that suffer.
Continue to Read a Book a Week - Done and dusted!
Since lockdown began, reading has been a great joy.
Clean and Declutter - Slowly but surely chipping away at this one, in the last few weeks, I’ve felt it’s on the upswing.
Being home a lot makes me think we need less things.
Finish the Greenhouse -Done!
Gotta get that greenhouse ready for Winter.
Focus on Family and Cats - I do think we did this. For family, it’s been tough, as we have mostly been sequestered. In the time of Covid, not seeing your family is taking care of them. For pets, we had a great loss in the second half of the year and are still feeling the effects (if anyone knows a pet grief counselor, send them my way). But we have new joys too and cat family is always a priority.
There could always be more of this.
Get Back to Sewing - I see-sawed on this goal. I’m hoping to do more in 2021
I’m hesitent to say i’ve restarted, but I’ve restarted.
Incorporate Stretching into Daily Life - Still can’t make this a daily routine, but maybe 2021 is my year.
I really feel that this will be important for my future.
Mental Health -Hhmmmm, I forgot about this one. I should get back on it.
I made some strides in this in the beginning of the year, but I want to keep up the momentum if possible.
OK, informative and interesting as always! Let me ruminate on these so I can set some goals and make some habits in 2021!!
How did your goals look in 2020?
The Infinite Blacktop
One of my goals in 2020 is to read more. See other books I've read or listened to here.
I read the first two Detective Clair DeWitt books a few years ago. I bought this used copy of the third book, The Infinite Blacktop by Sara Gran, to catch up on the series.
Clare DeWitt, the worlds greatest detective, wakes up from a car accident, bruised, bloody, and pissed off. She realizes one thing right away - that was no accident. Determined to find out why someone tried to kill her, she sets out on what could possibly be her most important job yet.
DeWitt is a detective in the vain of Dirk Gently, a believer in the interconnectedness of all things and a follower of her own instinct and intuition, someone who goes where life takes her. Clare’s meaner and tougher than most, and Gran’s books have a distinctly noir vibe. There’s lots of blood, guts, violence and graphic language in these books which I had forgotten when I started reading this third installment. I had also forgotten that Clare’s story has as much to do with her past as with her present and that almost all of it involves a mysterious and elusive book that led her to become a detective. In this book her past and present finally catch up with each other and we follow her as she realizes this. I really like that this book was as much about the existential dilemma of whether to try or give up as much as it was about the main mystery. DeWitt struggles with the ever present feeling of “why bother, why not just die” vs the idea that there are people and things worth trying for. Although this book does explain it’s own backstory and could be read as a stand alone, I think it would be better to read it in it’s place in the series. I would recommend the series to anyone who like modern noir, those who like strong and tough female leads, and people who might be interested in mysteries that deal with the weird and existential.
What kind of mysteries do you enjoy?
2020 Weekly Goals Wrap Up
For the last two years, I made myself monthly goals to try and achieve each month. Usually I pick 4-6 goals to focus on for the month. Sometimes I roll over goals, or sometimes I roll over entire months of goals. Here are all the goals I made for each month in 2020 with a few notes and thoughts.
Think slower / act slower
Read every day - reading was on my mind early in the year.
See two friends
Enjoy our anniversary - what did we even do???
Beach at least four times
Take a yoga class - HA
Dance more - nope
Stay warm / stay slow
Eat vegan once a week - this goals was on my mind a lot this year. I think we did make strives toward eating more vegan, even if it wasn’t once a week. This is something that I want to pursue more in 2021.
Schedule two docs
Schedule two trips - I can’t imagine this happened but I can’t remember.
Go to Brooklyn - So sad. I never made it to brooklyn and with the state of the world I prob won’t for a long time.
Write two letters
Learn some and do some yoga
Finish some art and illustration - what? No.
Read 3 books - Nailed it!! this was the first month that my reading really blew up!
Be mindful of the garden
Continue to improve my health
Do not over work/take your days-off off. - coming back from lockdown was a real mental blow. It was traumatic for me and frankly, I never got over it.
Remember all your goals/the things you liked about lockdown/isolation.
Keep sourdough starter alive. - Yikes. my sourdough failed hard in the warmer months.
Walk every day.
Tackle one big project.
Inbox to zero, but really this time
Make 1 comic - I think this is a great goal but I can barely remember making it and I def didn’t achieve it.
Make 1 video - it took like 4 more months but I did eventually do this.
Make more concrete goals from the things you like about isolation
Inbox to zero, but really this time - this is about the time that I actually got this to work for me. Part of it was getting it to less than 50 not to 0 but I’ve continued this goal and made it routine.
Make 1 comic
Make 1 video
Stretch - it’s funny how long this has been a goal. Will 2021 see me unlock this skill?
Restart sourdough
Work on Decluttering
Sew - I did start sewing again in 2020 and I really hope to pick it up a lot more in 2021.
Make 1 video
Tattoo work - this is something I have been meaning to restart for a long time and I hope 2021 is the year.
First steps on my book - this goal took an indefinite hiatus, but I still think it’s a good idea.
Have two quilt finishes - I think setting this goal really halted my progress. I won’t be making finish goals next year, I don’t think. I’m going to lean to more slow and steady.
Make 1 video
Tattoo work
Book step two
Two quilt finishes
Make 6 videos - here’s where I really started filming.
Book tattoo appointment/practice tattoos.
Go on a over night trip + 1 day trip
Take Irving in the car - this is still a hope and goal!! I think Irving would be good on car trips!!
Make 15 videos
Better cleaning routine - I’ve been working on this and have yet to find a smart way to go about it. But I want to make this work.
Tattoo appointment - I gave up on this goal. One day I would like to bring it back.
Get back to walking every day - working on it.
Have one Life Admin Day - this is something that I want to bring back in 2021.
DEC - Still working on these so check out my December goals wrap up, coming soon!!
Cleaning Routine
Stretch 10 min, Walk 10k
Life Admin Day (in the first 1/2 of the month)
Did you set monthly goals in 2020? How did you do on them? What’s your goal setting strategy for the new year?
The Tale of Beatrix Potter
One of my goals in 2020 is to read more. See other books I've read or listened to here.
I don’t know where I got this little biography, The Tale of Beatrix Potter by Margaret Lane, but I’m glad I picked it up!
Beloved the world over for her sweet and imaginative childrens books, Beatrix Potter’s work is well known. Her life remained shrouded in mystery and speculation until her coded journal was found and deciphered.
I grew up with The Tale of Peter Rabbit and the other Beatrix Potter books. I was acrtually super surprised that my husband did not. I thought ALL kids read these books growing up!! These books, featuring anthropomorphic animals with little waistcoats and independent lives, were a huge impact on my childhood. Until I read this biography of the author, I took that fact a little for granted. I’m glad that I could read about Potter’s life and have my love of these books rekindled. Her story is also extremely fascinating. I had known that Peter Rabbit was originally written as a letter to the child of a friend, but I had no idea the rest of Potter’s story. This book was very interesting; Potter’s life was sheltered and solitary as she was sequestered and contained by her parents. In her early childhood her and her brother were very close but as soon as he was able, he left and started a life without his sister. She wasn’t allowed to do the same until she was well in her forties. The way she escaped and created was to dream, draw and write stories, many of which later became her books. She had many pets growing up and was completely devoted to them. She also kept a shockingly detailed and and very secret journal, creating her own code and writing in teeny script. It was only years after her death, when the journal was discovered and years after that, when it was decoded, that her true thoughts and feelings about her life and her true history were known. I would highly reccommend this book to those who like literary biographies, people who were fans of her books, or anyone interested in one woman’s journey to freedom.
Have you read this book?
This book was mentioned in my November Wrap Up.
Weekly Video Round Up #3 | 12/21/2020 - 12/27/2020
12/22 - BxxKmas 2020 | BookTube Reflections Tag | Looking back at my first year on Booktube | BookTube and Cats
Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!
Here is the Booktube Reflections Tag which was originally created by Everything Elle ( ) and I found it through Bill Ruttenburg ( ). I really like this short sweet little tag but I ramble on about my thoughts quite a bit.
Channels mentioned: Books and La La ( )
Cats in this Video: Martin
BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog:
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3:
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag:
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up:
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon:
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR:
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag:
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020:
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up:
10) Dec 19th - Move my bookcase with me:
11) Dec 20th - 20 books from 2020 that I want to read in 2021:
Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!
12/23 - BxxKmas 2020 | Cloak and Dagger Xmas Part 1 | Week 3 Vlog | Beach Bum Booktuber
Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!
In this vlog I start the Cloak and Dagger Christmas Readathon, eat some pasta, watch an earth mover, walk on the beach, see some snow, see some holiday lights, celebrate the solstice (sorta), and visit an art store.
Cloak and Dagger Christmas Readathon:
Hosts: Kate Howe:
Carolyn from Carolyn’s Reading Ramblings Kate from The Novel Nomad:
Janelle from Too Fond of Books:
Clue Prompts:
1. Study: Associated with your profession, what you studied in college, or a field you'd like to learn about more
2. Library: A book that references books, borrow a book from the library
3. Hall: entry into a new-to-you mystery sub genre or author or series
4. Billiard room: [cue balls] next numbered book in a series, book has a game or sport involved
5. Conservatory: nature, travel, warm climate
6. Kitchen: cozy food-based mystery, small town mystery
7. Dining Room: closed circle, small group of people, hotel, dinner party
8. Lounge: [cocktails] written or set during the Golden Age (1920s-30s)
9. Ballroom: party
Amateur Sleuth Level: 3 prompts Police Detective Level: 5 prompts Sherlock Holmes Level: 9 prompts
Group Read – The Bird by Daphne du Maurier
Group Watch – Agatha and the Truth of the Murder • December 12th 8:15pm EST and December 13th 10:45 am Australian Central Daylight Time
Instagram scavenger hunt • Candlestick • Revolver • Lead pipe • Dagger • Rope • Monkey wrench
Books in this video:
Magpie Murders (2014) Anthony Horowitz
The Moving Finger (19xx) Agatha Christie
Buried (xxxx) Jeffery Deaver
Cats in this video: no cats wanted to appear in this vlog
BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog:
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3:
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag:
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up:
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon:
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR:
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag:
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020:
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up:
10) Dec 19th - Move my bookcase with me:
11) Dec 20th - 20 books from 2020 that I want to read in 2021:
12) Dec 22nd - BookTube Reflections Tag:
Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!
12/26 - BxxKmas 2020 | Daily BuJo Fill In | Bullet Journaling | Fast Writing | No Talking | Minimalist BuJo
Hi, I'm Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!
Here is a typical day of filling in my bullet journal. I will be posting my January set up very soon and will also post a jan plan with me. I have a very minimalistic bujo and don't mind if I make mistakes.
Do you bullet journal?
Cats in this video: sadly none.
BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog:
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3:
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag:
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up:
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon:
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR:
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag:
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020:
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up:
10) Dec 19th - Move my bookcase with me:
11) Dec 20th - 20 books from 2020 that I want to read in 2021:
12) Dec 22nd - BookTube Reflections Tag:
13) Dec 23rd - BxxKmas Vlog 3, Cloak and Dagger 1:
Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!
12/27 - BxxKmas 2020 | 2021 Reading and Channel Goals | Goal Making | NOT Smart Goals
Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!
I am trying to make obtainable goals for reading and for this channel for 2021! I love goals making. Check out more of my 2021 goals on my blog (below).
What are your bookish or channel goals for this year?
Cats in this video: none.
BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog:
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3:
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag:
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up:
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon:
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR:
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag:
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020:
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up:
10) Dec 19th - Move my bookcase with me:
11) Dec 20th - 20 books from 2020 that I want to read in 2021:
12) Dec 22nd - BookTube Reflections Tag:
13) Dec 23rd - BxxKmas Vlog 3, Cloak and Dagger 1:
14) Dec 26th - Daily Bullet Journal Fill In:
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Regularly Scheduled Programing 2020
I’ve always had the goals to make reoccurring posts on Mad Cat Quilts. I love to visit my favorite blogs each week or mouth and see my favorite posts. Lately, I’ve been loving checking out the weekly cocktails section of The Guardian and TBR games on BookTube (Alicia Reads has my favorite).
What are some of your favorite columns in your favorite blogs?
In 2016, I started looking back and seeing what of these posts I used regularly and making a list. This is for my own memory, mostly, but you may want to take a look back, too! Here are my regular series from 2020:
There are several series that are more usually updated, monthly and/or weekly:
Month in Review - A review of each month and my favorite instagrams for that month.
Monthly Plant Update - A review of all the plants I've observed for each month.
Mad Cat Garden - We started our garden a few years ago, but it’s become a great blog feature.
On My Mind On Friday Morning - A few things I've noticed around the internet, and life, recorded on Friday morning.
Book Reviews - What I've been reading, showcased on quilts.
Weekly Video Round Ups - Here I put the collection of videos from my BookTube each week.-
6 More Months of Zero Waste - In this series of posts we tackle moving to a more zero waste lifestyle. We will be taking a break (kinda) on this series up for at least the first six months of 2021.
Bullet Journal - I've been keeping a BuJo for several years now, and I like to check in about once a month.
Mad Cat Capsule - In 2017, I started keeping a capsule wardrobe, follow my progress here. (added this year)
Zero Waste - 2017 also marked the start of my zero waste, plastic free journey. I post thoughts, ideas, recipes, and goals.
Something Nice - Don't you love it when nice stuff happens?
Something New - Something new I've learned or done.
.Tattoo Story - To remember my tattoos and why I got them, I record it here.
Recipes - I want to include more recipes, specifically zero waste recipes, here.
Definitions - Some terms that I and other bloggers use but might be new to you. Here’s where you can learn more about all the things we talk about on MCQ.
Product Review - This is where I record reviews of products I have tried.
Monthly Goals - I have been trying to achieve several monthly goals so taht they can eventually become regular habits.
Pandemic Pantry - Originally started to showcase how to use up items druing the worst of lock down, I have taken aspects of this practice into daily life.
Homeschooling - In 2020, I started recording my homeschooling history. I would like to expand this series more in 2021.
Tattoo Story - The stories of my tattoos.
Joy of Using Up - This has been an off and on series, but I find myself gravitating to it more and more.
A Week of Books - Here I post even more book reviews to catch up and keep on track!
Sewing/Quilting - I would really like to bring back weekly sewing posts, but so far I’ve made it about one monthly.
Shelfie - Just pics of my home. (this one is an old series, but something I would like to bring back monthly).
There have been quite a few series that have fallen by the wayside, some I would like to bring back, others that might be gone forever.
Art and Nature... - Art and nature go together. I like to write about it here.
Zoo at Home, Zoo Abroad - We love to visit animals, zoos, aquariums, etc... when we can.
Travel - One of my long standing goals is to document my travels.
Life Admin Day -
Off Season - Notes on places I've seen, been, or explored and why I like them better in the off season.
What I Eat in a Day - I love to eat, love to know what people are eating, love to share!
Habit Shift - Here I talk about the habits I love and those I want to make
Several of these columns have not gotten too much love this year. Do you have a favorite feature on Mad Cat Quits?
Every year one of my goals is to be a better blogger. I hope that by creating columns and focus for my blog I will eventually achieve this to my satisfaction. I love to create this post each year to be able to look back and see my progress.
The Body in the Library
One of my goals in 2020 is to read more. See other books I've read or listened to here.
The second in the Miss Marple Series, I listened to The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie for free on the internet.
The Bantrys are totally shocked when they wake up with the body of a dead blond on the library hearth rug. Who but Miss Marple can help discover her idenity and reason for being there?
When I lucked out by reading (listening) to the first book in the Miss Marple series quite by accident a few months ago, I decided that I would continue the series in order! I was lucky to find all of them on a free audio book site. Then I got confused. On that site it says that this is the third book, but on another site it says this is the second. The book in between this and the first book is short stories, so I decided to skip to this one (or this is book two?? IDK). From the start of this book it seemed quite familiar to me… then I realized that I had seen the adaptation on the BBC series. Luckily I couldn’t remember the ending, so it was still a great mystery and surprise to me. This book sees Miss Marple called into the case right away, but she still downplays her role and skills. She and Mrs Bantry travel outside of St Mary Mead to other locales where the lead up to the murder may have taken place. This aspect opens Marple to a wider world in some ways. The series is interesting to me bc it is not MM who is the main character, and the narrator changes with every book. The Body doesn’t have one lead narrator which wasn’t my favorite, only bc it meant that we got away from some of the storylines I liked more than others. There was a lot dealing with coppers in this book and those bits were a bit boring. So far, this series really feels like Agatha Christie is trying out different things and finding what she likes best. Overall, I would recommend this book and I would recommend this book series for those who like classic mysteries, British mysteries, who dun its where the lead detective or person who solves the crime is not a main character, and those interested in Agatha Christie’s writing.
Are you an Agatha Christie Fan? what is your favorite of her series?
This book was mentioned in my November Wrap Up.
One of my goals in 2020 is to read more. See other books I've read or listened to here.
Dune by Frank Herbert is a sci fi classic and I’m surprised I haven’t read it until now. I listened to it free on the internet. The site didn’t list the author.
The Duke Lido and his family must move to a mining planet rife with danger and intrigue, and a battle for power that rages between the emporors subordinants. The planet’s indiginous people aren’t happy about it either.
So many sci fi fans (including my husband and father) love this book and I have wanted to read it for a long time. But it’s so intimidating!! It’s well loved, it’s long, it’s problematic, there are lots of reasons to be worried about this book. The main reason that I never picked it up was how long it was. We know that I avoid long books as much as possible. That was why I was so happy to find this book on audio. I’m not sure who the reader was but he read really well. I LOVED this book! It’s a tome for sure, outdated, misogynistic, yeah, but it’s so good!! It’s absolutely compelling and interesting with a ton of quick and easy character development and world building. It is looooong, but especially listening to it, I was so surprised how fast paced it was and how much the story moved along. If I had a complaint, it would actually be that the ending was rushed! There was so much still to happen and the book wrapped it up very fast and matter a factly, which was a bit jarring after all the time and work put into the beginning. I’m not 100% sure, but it seemed that Dune was the originator of a lot of sci fi devices and trope. Was this where sand worms first came from? Was this were life saving land suits came from? Was this where books and Movie like Tank Girl got the idea for a waterless planet? Space drugs? All sorts of great things are in this book. Although Dune does have the classic (and mainly annoying) chosen one trope, I really enjoyed how it was tackled here. Although it had the problematic theme of the white man freeing the indigenous population, II felt it tackled some of those issues in the way that the characters dealt with and felt about the problem inherent in that. I think I need to read (possibly physically) this book again before I make a real (spoiler rich) in depth review of Dune. But for now I can say that I highly recommend this book for those who love space operas, classic sci fi, chosen one stories, mystical sci fi and all those who love big books.
This book was mentioned in my November Wrap Up.
Best Nine 2020
I had to capture this from, not (which I prefer) but I am only using it as a place holder. I don’t like that this one has the amount of likes on each photo.
I love to see my Best Nine every year! I use my instagram to look back at my life as well as be a pretty social media tool. In 2020, I didn’t insta as much as past years.
I really love to look back at my best nine for each year; they are not always what I was expecting! It’s also interesting how the photos end up being organized. Look at 2019, the whole middle row is rainbows!! Here are my best nine from past years:
I didn’t realize before making this post, but I started this practive the year we moved to Asbury Park. Looking back at it now, it’s really interesting to see the progression of moving to the beach!
Do you make a best nine? What memories does it conjure this year?
Weekly Video Round up #2 | 12/14/2020 - 12/20/2020
12/14 - BxxKmas 2020 | I Reached My GoodReads Goal! | GoodReads Goals and Thoughts | What I think of GoodReads
Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays.
Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!
I started my Goodreads account in August and I hit my goal of 50 books in December. Do you use Goodreads?
Books Mentioned:
The Tale of Beatrix Potter (1970) Margaret Lane
Cats in this Video: None
BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog:
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3:
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag:
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up:
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon:
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR:
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag:
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12/18 | BxxKmas 2020 | 1000 Doors Readathon Finale | Chatty Vlog | Vlog Fail?
Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays.
Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!
I finally participated in the 1000 Door Readathon and in this vlog I finish it! This readathon was created by Meg with Books ( ), Drinking By My Shelf ( ), and Tea, Books, and Tasmyn ( ) and features Monica Kim ( ).
This vlog is very chatty and a bit of a fail. I talk A LOT, visit a free little library, drink coffee, read a yellow book, eat pizza and pasta, get off my bxxkmas posting schedule, visit a park, and then talk some more.
Books read in this vlog:
Cape May Ghosts Stories (1988) David J Seibold and Chrles J Adams III
It’s Fine By Me (1992) Per Petterson
Cats in this Video: Martin and Flounder
BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog:
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3:
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag:
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up:
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon:
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR:
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag:
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020:
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12/19 - BxxKmas 2020 | Move My Bookcase With Me | Let’s mover books around all day! | Read Shelf Declutter
Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!
We are rearranging our middle room so help me move my read shelf! Book sorting, no talking! Cats in this Video: Irving makes a brief appearance.
BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog:
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3:
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag:
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up:
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon:
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR:
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag:
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020:
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up:
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12/20 - BxxKmas 2020 | 20 books from 2020 I want to read in 2021 | Books Seen On BookTube | Books to Read
Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!
I barely know what these 20 books are about but I heard about them on BookTube in 2020 and I want to read them in 2021!!
Books mentioned: You gotta watch the video!!
Cats in this Video: none! But there is a BIRD
BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog:
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3:
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag:
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up:
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon:
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR:
7) Dec 13th - Nonfiction Booktube tag:
8) Dec 16th - Reaching My GoodReads Goal in 2020:
9) Dec 18th - BxxKmas vlog 2, 1000 doors reasathon wrap up:
10) Dec 19th - Move my bookcase with me:
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Green-Wood Cemetery
One of my goals in 2020 is to read more. See other books I've read or listened to here.
I think my mother in law gave us Images of America: Green-Wood Cemetery by Alexandra Kathryn Mosca bc she knows how much we love that place!
Told in pictures and captions, this book relates some of the history of the cemetery, it’s monuments and inhabitants.
This is a simple and straight forward book with many historic tidbits. The history of Green-Wood is extremely interested to me. I love to visit, it’s one of the most beautiful and specials places in Brooklyn. This is a seemingly huge cemetery in the middle of Brooklyn and takes it’s lead from prospect park and central park by having a variety of areas, all environmentally and aestectically different. There are lakes, rolling hills, forest like areas, winding cobblestone paths, interesting flora and unexpected fauna. We loved to take long walks there on a regular basis bc not only was it wonderful, but it was a short walk from our house. I miss it all the time and think that all cemeteries should be so magical. It is a cemetery rich in history, especially NYC history. Basically anything you may be interested in, there’s a grave for that! Architecture, art, music, baseball, history, food and drink, business and industry, activists, animal rights, and much much more are just a few of the subjects you can find fascinating graves and history within in the cemetery walls. Even though this book was mostly pictures with captions, but it definitely captured a small glimpse of all the things that I mentioned above. If you are interested in learning more about Green-Wood, this book is a nice place to start. If you already love Green-wood this might share some insights you were unaware of. I would recommend this book if you are interested in leaning more about Green-Wood, if you like classic pics of NY, or histories of cities and cemeteries.
Have you read books like this? Do you like to read nonfiction or fiction about your favorite places?
This book was mentioned in my November Wrap Up.
Weekly Video Round Up #1 | 12/7/2020 - 12/13/2020
Here is where you can catch up on all the BookTube videos I posted the previous week.
This is my second week of BxxKmas, my own take on Vlogmas, and this week includes my November Reading Wrap Up!
12/7 | BxxKmas 2020 | November 2020 Wrap Up | 6 Books | Nonfiction November | Reading Dune for the First Time!
Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays.
I read 6 books in November
Books in this video:
Herbs: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy (1981) Norma Jean Lathrop
Basquiat: A Quick Killing in Art (1997) Phoebe Hoban
Green-Wood Cemetery (2008) Alexandra Kathryn Mosca
The Body in the Library (1942) Agatha Christie
Dune (1965) Frank Herbert
The Tale of Beatrix Potter: A Biography (1970) Margaret Lane
One of these books was in my TBR/ASMR video:
Three of these books were mentioned in my Nonfiction November Vlog:
Cats in this video: xx
Bookmas was created by Hailey in BookLand:
BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog:
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3:
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag:
Original music by audionightlight.
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12/9 | Bxxkmas 2020 | Vlog no. 3 | 1000 Doors Readathon Part 1 | Vlogs Every Week in December
Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays.
This is the first of my official Bxxkmas 2020 vlogs. Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December! In this blog I start the 100 Doors Readathon, visit a Free Little Library, eat some homemade Indian food, spend time with cats, forget to film, talk about ferns, and drink coffee.
Bookmas was created by Hailey in BookLand:
The 1000 Doors Readathon was started by Meg with Books ( ), Drinking By My Shelf ( ), and Tea, Books, and Tasmyn ( ) and originally ran the first week in November.
Books in this video:
The Tale of Beatrix Potter (1970) Margaret Lane
The Infinite Blacktop (2018) Sara Gran
Eating Wildly: Foraging for Life, Love, and the Perfect Meal (2014) Ava Chin
Cats in this video: Martin, and Irving
BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog:
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3:
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag:
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up:
Original music by audionightlight.
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12/12 | BxxKmas 2020 | LoFi Seltzer ASMR | Tapping, Glass Sounds, Bubbles, Drinking Sounds, No Talking | ASMR and Cats
Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays.
Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!
Yes, we drink a lot of soda water in our house! Here is my lofi can popping, tapping, drinking sounds, bubbles, carbonation sounds with no talking.
This marks my first late upload! A YouTube milestone and not the last time it happens, I'm sure! Would you rather see a late video from your favorite creators, or skip to the next?
Cats in this video: Irving
BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog:
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3:
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag:
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up:
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon:
Original music by audionightlight.
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12/13 | BxxKmas 2020 | Nonfiction on BookTube Tag | Nonfiction BookTube | Punk Rock
Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos on Mondays and Fridays.
Since I don’t celebrate xmas in the traditional way, why would I celebrate Bxxkmas in a traditional way? I’ll be posting at least 4 videos a week for the rest of December!
The Nonfiction on BookTube Tag was originally Started by A Book Olive ( ) and I originally saw it on Josh’s Bookish Voyage ( ). I really enjoyed doing this tag and thinking about all the nonfiction I want to read.
Check out my Top Five Nonfiction Books Video here:
--The Questions--
1. How much nonfiction do you read?
2. What kind of nonfiction videos do you make/do you WANT to make on Booktube?
3. What’s your favorite sub-genre of nonfiction?
4. Do you have a favorite nonfiction book?
5. What do you think keeps people from wanting to read more nonfiction?
6. Why do you like nonfiction?
7. What’s a nonfiction book you read because of Booktube?
8. What’s the best nonfiction book you’ve read lately?
9. What are some of your nonfiction reading goals?
10. What’s your advice for incorporating more nonfiction into your reading diet?
BONUS: Give some recommendations of nonfiction Booktube channels that you love!
Books Mentioned:
Our Band Could Be Your Life:Scenes from the American Indie Underground, 1981-1991 (2001) Michael Azzerrad
Woodswoman I: Living Alone in the Adirondack Wilderness (1975) Anne Lebastille
The Good Life (1935 - 1970) Scott and Helen Nearing
Channels Mentioned:
A Book Olive:
A Cup of Books:
Live Forever or Die Trying:
Cats in this Video: None
BxxKmas 2020:
1) Dec 2nd - Non Fiction November Vlog:
2) Dec 4th - TBR ASMR no. 3:
3) Dec 5th - Anti TBR Tag:
4) Dec 7th - November Wrap Up:
5) Dec 9th - BxxKmas Vlog 1, 1000 doors readathon:
6) Dec 12th - LoFi seltzer ASMR:
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One of my goals in 2020 is to read more. See other books I've read or listened to here.
I remember seeing Basquiat: A Quick Killing in Art by Phoebe Hoban on my tbr in at least 2 of my last houses. So that means I’ve had it for at least 10 years.
Born in 1960, Jean -Michel Basquiat was determined to become a famous artist. He accomplished his goal before his untimely death in 1988.
Jean-Michel, by all accounts made his own career using his talents and tenacity. This book follows his life from birth to death, but not in a linear fashion. It was very interesting to learn about his early life as Basquiat was notorious for distorting his own story and keeping people guessing about his origins. However the man was born, the artist was born from Basquiat’s shear will, prolific artistic drive and, having seen his works in real like I feel, his extraordinary talent as an artist. The majority of this book is devoted to his most active years as an artist, his various galleries, managers, art friends, and the art scene during that time. A large portion is devoted to his lifestyle, his work, but also his excessive alcohol and drug use. Similarly to his birth, childhood, schooling, and actual work, there is less of this book devoted to his relationship with Warhol, then there is about the art scene, the gallery owners, and the many many deals that were made at the time. Basquiat often gets into ridiculous detail about these topics, leaving out any pictures of his actual work. Much of this book could have been edited for content as well as context. Much of it was boring and repetitive. Overall it did give a good sense of how Basquiat was a shooting star of a person, whom no one in his orbit could ignore, how his work was a sort of unschooled magic that flowed from him at basically all times, and how his demise and death was irrifrutably tragic, but also completely self imposed and self realized. I found this book very interesting but I cannot recommend it due to poor writing and poor editing and lack of examples of Basquiat’s work.
Have you read this book? What did you think? Are you a fan of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s art?
This book was mentioned in my November Wrap Up.
On My Mind On Friday Morning
Seeing these pics of fireflies makes me long Summer.
Speaking of the Spring and Summer, I’m excited to go on a mushroom walk when the weather is right. I love mushrooms, but can’t eat them, so my walk is only to observe. Here is a rather long article, with some pearls of knowledge.
I loved this little video about making a dress out of mangoes to highlight food waste.
I’ve moved on to another Miss Marple book on tape. I don’t love the narrator as much as the first two, but it’s still good.
Are my cats my familiars?