June flew by. July is half way over. I've fallen quite a bit behind, but lazy Summer days will do that.
I was busy in June. The usual mix of work, work, and work. But work can be so many things! I worked for my job, I worked for my quilts, I worked to keep my family happy and healthy. June was about maintaining a peaceful balance of all the work that goes into life.
In Brooklyn, the weather was perfect. But Down The Shore, it was better! We took as many beach trips as our schedules allowed. In some ways June was uneventful, as we just ping-ponged between our home and home away from home. But those early sunny Summer days were rejuvenating and much needed after the long and grueling Winter and the hectic startling Spring.
Watcher spotting was mixed in June, as many windows were over-run by air conditioners, and many kitties lounged in cooler spots. Sometimes we chose to search for seaglass, instead of watchers. But, thankfully, in every season there are some watchers waiting to be found.
Hot Summer days are not the most conducive to quilting, but progress was made. I am hopeful that there will be finishes to share soon.
June was even, balanced, bright and sunny. It was refreshing and inspiring. It was sweet and strong, like Summer should be. July is feels much the same, so far, but it's not over yet. Are we ready to find out how July's story ends?