The year is half over. Can you believe it? June went by so fast.
For about half of June I felt like I was saying "hang on, wait up!" and for the rest of it, I felt like I was just hanging on, myself.
There were certain events happening that I felt like speeding up, but I would never have wanted to skip all the great weather, beautiful days, visits with friends, festivities, and temperate Summer-ness that June had to offer.
Love note from Brooklyn.
Although work was a little crazy this month, I tried to take some time for family, friends, travel and projects.
1) North Side, Asbury Park, on a foggy day. 2) Sitting in the park waiting for music and Fireworks. 3) Lacey evening walks. 4) Grand openings and grey skies.
In June, I participated in Jersey Collective, an artist take over of their instagram feed. It was a wonderful experience (read my interview here) and I can't wait until my next go in Dec 2016. It meant that we had to spend the better part of a week in NJ and we combined that with Father's Day, and my mom's student's graduation.
At home, we tried to see friends for concerts in the park and pride among other things. We saw art in the city, and stumbled on it at home, too.
1) Lazy Summer creatures. 2) Lake side walks. 3) Fun times and fast cars (and action figures, of course). 4) Spotting of a different kind.
Watcher spotting was at an all time high in June, and a favorite past time for my commute.
Sewing, on the other hand, was on the downswing, but picked up towards the end of the month. I'm hoping the coming months see more productivity.
Blogging, too, took a down turn. It's such a time consuming effort! But worth it in the end, so I plan to rally!
1) All perfect symmetry. 2) All wide eyes. 3) All high and mighty. 4) All no nose.
June certainly wasn't slow, but it was delicious in all it's candy colored Summer glory. Put on your sunglasses, I think July is gonna be bright!