Looking back at October’s plant observations, I sort of only took pictures of the brightest and bluest days! there was a lot of rainy days in October, that shook the blooms and fruit off the plants and bushes. There were copious downpours that made all plants grey, sodden and sagging. But there were clear bright days as well. Flowers hanging on for dear life.
Tall trees in Northern NJ.
Anyone know what these white drop blooms are?
Looking quite idyllic with a busy road right and train tracks out of view.
Tempted to buy any flower still blooming when we visit the farmers market.
American Beauty Berries provide a pop of color!
Someone said these are Asters?
This moth was STUNNING! Huge and iridescent.
One of my all time favorites.
I never managed to see what this fellow was stalking.
Our pumpkin fam.
But just down the road, they go bigger.
What was October like where you live? Was it a month full of observation or light on them?