Sunday Stash: Yard Sale Finds

In my Year of the Stash Manifesto, I stated that I would try not to add too much to my stash this year. The exception would be vintage or reclaimed fabric. For 4 months, I did a good job at not buying or aquiring anything. 

But now it's yard sale season!

yard sale.jpg

Right after I wrote a YoTS post (here), I added quite a few yards to my stash. Better get sewing!

Today I'm linking up with Mollie Sparkles for Sunday Stash. 


Sunday Stash #4

Last week I received some vintage fabric to add to my stash. Some of it was immediately dogeared for current projects. 

This is only part of what arrived!

This is only part of what arrived!

Ordering "vintage lots" is a tricky thing. Most times there isn't much description given, and I often just go with my gut. I'd say 9 times out of 10 this works. I've only ever had a few that I was really disappointed with. This was not one of those times. Although old and musty smelling, these five are my favorite from the lot. They will wash nicely, I'm convinced, and be ready to use in no time. The far left red dots and flowers reminds me of the blue flowered fabric from another Sunday Stash, which I adore. The black and white will go perfectly as a backing for a quilt top that is almost complete. The green dots are just right for a friendship star quilt I'm currently piecing. 

I have been waiting for sunnier days and simpler times to post a shop update. Here is a sneak peek at some amazing Library Card felt jewel rings:

Needle felted gems. 

Needle felted gems. 

These oversized felt cocktail rings are soft, comfortable and come in a wide range of colors and sizes. The rich jewel tones and shapes contrast perfectly with the playful textiles and tactile nature of these hand made accessories. I can't wait to get them in the shop!



Stash #3

My mail delivery is really becoming a problem. I lost a package of vintage fabric this month. The post office says it must have been stolen... but somehow I'm not convinced. 

My mail delivery is really becoming a problem. I lost a package of vintage fabric this month. The post office says it must have been stolen... but somehow I'm not convinced. 

Not the best lighting, as I took this picture at night, but I received some vintage fabric this month!! I adore the bright blue and orange on the end. I have also recently come to grips that I'm addicted to fine calico of all colors. So the blue on the right is wonderful to me. 

The Bismuth is so shiny and iridescent! Hard to capture in a photo. 

The Bismuth is so shiny and iridescent! Hard to capture in a photo. 

Two treasures we picked up in DC, a perfect pyrite cube and a bright piece of bismuth. Again, not the best lighting, maybe I will try for more pics another time. We are thinking that we need to re think our over all gem display, especially for small pieces like these. One day it will happen. 

6th Ave in Park Slope was lovelier than ever. 

6th Ave in Park Slope was lovelier than ever. 

Brooklyn has seen so much snow in recent weeks. Some of the prettiest I have seen in the city. 

It has gone from beautiful and crisp and clear, to wet and icy and horrible and back again for several weeks. 

It has gone from beautiful and crisp and clear, to wet and icy and horrible and back again for several weeks. 

I'll leave you with another ill lit pic; My truck, completely buried.

There's another 2 foot wide, 2 foot high wall of snow between it and the road. 

There's another 2 foot wide, 2 foot high wall of snow between it and the road. 


Sunday Stash #2

My BFF sent me a huge box of fabric! I haven't even had the time to go through it all yet. 

Some of the things she sent are appropriate for the season!

Some of the things she sent are appropriate for the season!

I also needed  to order an exact thread for the quilt I'm working on and couldn't help picking a few things up from

I love these nautical prints, but they are so large! Not sure how to incorporate them in to my work...

I love these nautical prints, but they are so large! Not sure how to incorporate them in to my work...

Last week

Last week we went to visit family in Tennessee. We spent most of the time catching up with family and friends but we were able to squeeze in some thrifting and eating. 

The place I most wanted to visit to eat was The Nashville Biscuit House.  We went there directly after landing and it did not disappoint. I tried to get back almost every day after that, but it was not in the cards. We also hit the Barista Parlor in East Nashville. It was almost unbearably pretentious. But I did have a killer cappuccino. For a big family dinner we ate at Cock Of The Walk, where they throw your cornbread in the air! To round out the southern eating we had awesome ribs at Bar B Cutie.   

All that food and the only pic I snapped was Waffle House. It was my first time there!

All that food and the only pic I snapped was Waffle House. It was my first time there!

We managed to hit 4 Goodwills, 2 Southern Thrift, Music City Thrift and Thriftsmart.

This cute homemade Easter basket with bunny and eggs could not come home, but was good for inspiration. I was tempted by this old singer, but it was in bad shape and crammed into an ugly modern sewing table.

This cute homemade Easter basket with bunny and eggs could not come home, but was good for inspiration. I was tempted by this old singer, but it was in bad shape and crammed into an ugly modern sewing table.

We bought so much stuff that we had to send a package home. But we were able to bring most of it back in our carry-on, thankfully!

We bought mostly fabric and toys. Of course.  

We bought mostly fabric and toys. Of course.  

I found a bunch of vintage fabric for my stash, and we got some animal baskets. 

I found a bunch of vintage fabric for my stash, and we got some animal baskets. 

I am already thinking of our next trip... We didn't even get to any of the quilt shops on our list!


Cleaning up the sewing room I found some ginghams. I want to make them into one busy quilt some day. 

most of these are thrifted and vintage.

most of these are thrifted and vintage.

I also uncovered some treasures that we picked up in Vermont last Summer. 

Vintage bell with a nice chime, New Jersey souvenir spoon, and a crazy gemstone that is much more sparkly in person.

Vintage bell with a nice chime, New Jersey souvenir spoon, and a crazy gemstone that is much more sparkly in person.

Visitors and Art Quilts.

Last week, our good friends were in town from Tennessee. It's always nice to have visitors in bc we get to do things that we often neglect living here. Or things that we have wanted to do, but haven't made the time for.

One of our friends is a fiber artist so I was able to easily persuade her to visit The City Quilter (  I had been wanting to go there for a while, but rarely make it into "the city" (Manhattan). I hadn't realized there was a gallery there and we were lucky to stumble upon a quilt exhibit by Cécile Trentini. Her work was quite varied but I fell in love with her use of unexpected materials, such as daily household items.


A lovely geometric quillt made with coffee filters!

A lovely geometric quillt made with coffee filters!

This one is tea bags!

This one is tea bags!

We bought some lovely fabric, too, of course!

Always room for more fat quarters in lovely prints! The maroon on top is actually a oversized yard that I plan to use as a quilt back one day.

Always room for more fat quarters in lovely prints! The maroon on top is actually a oversized yard that I plan to use as a quilt back one day.

I don't usually go in for novelty prints but these were too fun to pass up! The black is already covered with cat hair, of course!

I don't usually go in for novelty prints but these were too fun to pass up! The black is already covered with cat hair, of course!

I'm glad I was spurred into seeing this shop by my friends, and I won't wait until I have more visitors to go again!