April Plant Update

Oh my goodness, being home and taking a walk everyday coupled with the fact that we had an early spring in March, made this April one heck of a month for plant observations. I literally had hundreds of photos to go through.

A carpet of magnolia petals.

A carpet of magnolia petals.

A blurry yard bouquet.

A blurry yard bouquet.

Sun thru daffodils.

Sun thru daffodils.

What kind of pine is this? I love the adorable cones!

What kind of pine is this? I love the adorable cones!

Our Japanese maple just waking up for the year.

Our Japanese maple just waking up for the year.

So many early azaleas!

So many early azaleas!

Our monstera much prefers this spot to where it used to be.

Our monstera much prefers this spot to where it used to be.

This was some perfect morning golden hour light.

This was some perfect morning golden hour light.

A very good holly tree.

A very good holly tree.

I’ve been taking stump portraits.

I’ve been taking stump portraits.

Cannot resist cherry blossoms. Ever.

Cannot resist cherry blossoms. Ever.

Lake views.

Lake views.

I have to crop these bushes, but at the moment they are bright and beautiful.

I have to crop these bushes, but at the moment they are bright and beautiful.

We’re trying to tame this grandma rose bush to go a different direction.

We’re trying to tame this grandma rose bush to go a different direction.

Love this neighbor’s cacti.

Love this neighbor’s cacti.

What is this ground cover? it is magical.

What is this ground cover? it is magical.

Perfectly rain soaked tulip.

Perfectly rain soaked tulip.

The lilacs have been early, but i’m always happy to see them!

The lilacs have been early, but i’m always happy to see them!

Apple blossoms?

Apple blossoms?

We had some kale that bolted. When we put it in the compost bin, it flowered!!

We had some kale that bolted. When we put it in the compost bin, it flowered!!

I could have added so many more photos to this post! What were your plant observations in April?

March Plant Update

March was amazing for flowers, plants, greenery, buds, seedlings, critters, colors and getting out and about. Thank goodness that groundhog didn’t see his shadow this year, bc I think we all needed the early Spring. I know I did. It is always astonishing to me that just seeing the blooming magnolias makes me SO. MUCH. HAPPIER.

Here they are.

Here they are.

Whoever was the genious that planted this sidewalk bump out in AsBury Park with hundreds of daffodils?

Whoever was the genious that planted this sidewalk bump out in AsBury Park with hundreds of daffodils?

Loved this color combo this month. In Sea Girt.

Loved this color combo this month. In Sea Girt.

And in Asbury Park…

And in Asbury Park…



These chicks and hens are from my former landlady in BK. This year I finally decided to divide them as she used to do.

These chicks and hens are from my former landlady in BK. This year I finally decided to divide them as she used to do.

We haven’t done the big houseplant replant, replenishing of soil yet, but these few needed new pots ASAP.

We haven’t done the big houseplant replant, replenishing of soil yet, but these few needed new pots ASAP.

Happy by the window.

Happy by the window.

Houseplant tableau in greens.

Houseplant tableau in greens.

New monstra leaf.

New monstra leaf.

Less new, but still good.

Less new, but still good.

A day with the birds.

A day with the birds.

One side of a sunset….

One side of a sunset….

… and the other.

… and the other.

Evening walks with Magritte light.

Evening walks with Magritte light.

We had plenty of cold and rainy days in March, plenty of grey days. But the warmer weather and brighter skies made up for all of them. What a pleasure that long walks are not only allowed but encouraged while self isolating (as long as they are on your own or with your partner/person/child/parent/etc… only!). What a pleasure that it is Spring here.

Are you observing Spring where you live?

Life Lately - Winter in Asbury Park

Winer is a hard time for me no matter where I am. Being in a beach town certainly eases that burden a bit. But only if I take advantage of it.


Here are sone things I love about life in the winter.
Winter light on the beach.
Making time for friends, even if you have time for little else.
Cozy naps with cats.

I took an unexpected break from the blog this month. I needed it even though I didn’t know I needed it. I’m hoping that the break gave me a rest and I will come back renewed. This blog is something helps me to get thru Winter as well.

Have you taken a break this Winter? What have you done to recharge?