Mad Cat Garden | October 2020

It was an interesting month for the Garden. Most of October was dreary, rainy, and sparse in the garden. But there were moments of brightness and sun. For some reason, I didn’t take too many photos this month, so the Oct tour of the garden will be specific.


At the beginning of the month, our morning glories were still going strong and even coming up through every break in our concrete patio. We love the morning glories and want to think of a way to train them better next year.


We have been moving things into the green house, trying to get everything we want to save (or try to save) inside before the first frost. When the sun is out, it’s so nice to peek inside the walls. We have some foraged furniture and shelves inside, but it’s not big so it’s a fun puzzle to try and fit everything.


There was a lot for this month, we lost a lot of our last tomatoes and peppers as they were shook of the bushes.


Our pineapple sage went to flower this month and it was brilliant!! The flowers are beautiful.


Our orange thyme mascot is still doing well and got a little company for October.

What was your garden doing this month?

October Plant Update

Looking back at October’s plant observations, I sort of only took pictures of the brightest and bluest days! there was a lot of rainy days in October, that shook the blooms and fruit off the plants and bushes. There were copious downpours that made all plants grey, sodden and sagging. But there were clear bright days as well. Flowers hanging on for dear life.

Tall trees in Northern NJ.

Tall trees in Northern NJ.

Anyone know what these white drop blooms are?

Anyone know what these white drop blooms are?

Looking quite idyllic with a busy road right  and train tracks out of view.

Looking quite idyllic with a busy road right and train tracks out of view.

Tempted to buy any flower still blooming when we visit the farmers market.

Tempted to buy any flower still blooming when we visit the farmers market.

American Beauty Berries provide a pop of color!

American Beauty Berries provide a pop of color!

Someone said these are Asters?

Someone said these are Asters?

This moth was STUNNING! Huge and iridescent.

This moth was STUNNING! Huge and iridescent.

One of my all time favorites.

One of my all time favorites.

I never managed to see what this fellow was stalking.

I never managed to see what this fellow was stalking.

Our pumpkin fam.

Our pumpkin fam.

But just down the road, they go bigger.

But just down the road, they go bigger.

What was October like where you live? Was it a month full of observation or light on them?

September Plant Update

September was an interesting month for plant observations. I usually find that September is one of my favorite months. It’s Summer, but not summer. It’s Fall, but not fall. This year was more Fall than previous years: the weather took a chilly turn and plants were not as vibrant as other years. It was a good month to watch the fast forward of the natural entropy.

Our clematis bush pretty much took over our porch this year.

Our clematis bush pretty much took over our porch this year.

But quickly declined in Sept. (See that black bee??)

But quickly declined in Sept. (See that black bee??)

And now really looks like old man’s beard.

And now really looks like old man’s beard.

We saw quite a few good mushrooms in Sept.

We saw quite a few good mushrooms in Sept.

Our morning glories also took over this year, our backyard is swimming in them!

Our morning glories also took over this year, our backyard is swimming in them!

This flower has all sorts of bee tracks on it!

This flower has all sorts of bee tracks on it!

One new and ready to open.

One new and ready to open.

Gnome interlude.

Gnome interlude.

Afore mentioned bee.

Afore mentioned bee.

Our neighbor’s sedum gets the prize for most bugs ever.

Our neighbor’s sedum gets the prize for most bugs ever.

The bees started getting sleepy by the end of the month.

The bees started getting sleepy by the end of the month.

Our sensitive plants have been blooming!

Our sensitive plants have been blooming!

This pothos is starting to climb the walls again.

This pothos is starting to climb the walls again.

I’m interested to see what October brings for the all the plants. We’re still getting tomatoes, flowers, buds and leaves. Will that change in Oct? I’m nervous that it will be very cold!

How were your plant observations this month? Is the weather changing by you? Are the seasons changing?

The Joy Of Using Up

The other day I realized that we are almost out of tomato season. It happened quicker this year than last year. But each time we pick tomatoes there are less then the last harvest, more are unripe or rotten before we can get to them and each bush produces less. No more tomatoes and cheese, no more salsa and fresh sauce, no more tomatoes garnishing our salads and pastas. It made me sad.

But then, the weather took a cold spell and I saw a potato. Mmmm, I thought, we haven’t had potato soup in forever!

Part of being as zero waste as possible is eating with the seasons, eating what’s available when it is ripe and fresh. One might think that this is restricting, but really, it’s only the joy of using up. All winter we eat great and hearty winter veg and in the summer, those are set aside to have fresh light summer fruits and vegetables. A perfect balance and nothing is given up.


July Plant Update

July was a good month for plant observations. Although it didn’t feel like we got out too much, we did indeed see some fun things. From the moment flowers start blooming until it’s too cold, these articles will always be a lot of just pretty flowers.

Echinacea are my Summer favorite.

Echinacea are my Summer favorite.

Now sure what these are but we planted them in the spring and they keep blooming.

Now sure what these are but we planted them in the spring and they keep blooming.

Who is this frilly fella? Another echinacea?

Who is this frilly fella? Another echinacea?

A perfect circle.

A perfect circle.

I tried to maintain our house plants this month, moving some, turning others.

I tried to maintain our house plants this month, moving some, turning others.

The monstera is doing well!

The monstera is doing well!

We came across this and other mushrooms on one of our evening walks .

We came across this and other mushrooms on one of our evening walks .

I was trying to capture the two enormous crows in this tree in this pic, but it turned out to be a nice tree portrait instead.

I was trying to capture the two enormous crows in this tree in this pic, but it turned out to be a nice tree portrait instead.

We drove out to visit Cherry Grove Farms and this is what it looks like.

We drove out to visit Cherry Grove Farms and this is what it looks like.

And we met these goats!!

And we met these goats!!

Notable about July was that it was hot. Like really hot and sweaty. We were lucky to be out and about as much as we were. What was July like where you live?

Urban Foraging Diaries

I’m not sure where I first got the idea to pick things out of the trash. But I’ve been doing it for a long time.

I will always remember a particularly gorgeous lime green velvet swivel easy chair. I remember seeing it as I was driving home, retuning a few hours later, delighted that is was still there, wrestling it into my car, giving it pride of place in my room, later moving with it to NYC, it getting scratched up and ruined by the cats, and the day I had to sadly put it back out on the curb, really trash this time. I added years and years to that beautiful chair’s life and it brought me years of joy.

When the pandemic started and we realized that we couldn’t go thrift shopping any more, we started paying more attention to when the big pick up days for garbage were around us. We were going for nightly walks anyway and had spotted a few cool things out out on the curb. Bc of Covid 19, it took us a little while to get comfortable, but eventually we picked up a few items here or there. We use gloves, or wash our hands after, and let the objects sit outside for a few days or clean them well before bringing them into the house.

Now we go out on the days we know to scout. Most weeks we don’t get anything, but sometimes we hit a small jackpot. We’ve gotten many planters and pots of all sizes, a baseball bat, wood for various projects, a large sun umbrella, and more.

Last week we picked up a well loved dining room side board. We plan to cut the top shelf off and use it on our green house. The top is warped and the wood there is splitting, so cutting that off won’t be a tragedy. It’s clear that this piece was stripped, refinished, and stripped again. Then left for a long time in a basement or shed. But it has plenty of life left in it!

It might seem weird to pick something our of someone else’s trash, but if an object is still useful, it’s far better for it to go on being used. So let’s not call it garbage picking. Let’s call it urban foraging.

Have you found treasure in other people’s trash?


June Plant Update

I see a definite theme in my warm weather plant updates: Flowers. I love flowers. In the warm weather, I love to see all the flowers that are out as they bloom. In June, we travelled a little, tried to continue our daily walks when we weren’t working, and hung out in our own yard. We stayed away from the beach, now that it’s packed with people. But we were able to sneak in some beach walks, too.

There are several lakes about 5 min from our house. If you see them at the right time, they are shockingly scenic.

There are several lakes about 5 min from our house. If you see them at the right time, they are shockingly scenic.

I was captivated by this shade of purple.

I was captivated by this shade of purple.

Puff ball.

Puff ball.





The last of the irises.

The last of the irises.


We wondered down to Cape May NJ this month and stopped at some farm stands on the way.

A very flower full traffic island on my walk to work.

A very flower full traffic island on my walk to work.

This color of rose is pure magic.

This color of rose is pure magic.

Another stunning sunset.

Another stunning sunset.

And a very blurry houseguest.

And a very blurry houseguest.

What do you love most to observe of the Summer plants?